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winningstreak 22 May 2018

Re: Trading Update Now the weather problem has taken its toll, next could be a labour problem, a labour shortagedue to

emisbod 22 May 2018

Re: Trading Update err...not really reflected when you wrote that! More like it now. Think I might dip in soon [should have done it when it was nearly 10% down today]

winningstreak 22 May 2018

Trading Update Trading Update (see RNS) does sound not too good, but muchof the negative is probably already reflected in the share price.And next year could be a bumper year, such are the variablesof working with

winningstreak 20 Apr 2018

Re: H1 Results The crop of Jersey Royals is the main concern. We'll just haveto see how it all pans out. Share price is down more than far enough,

Blanketstacker 20 Apr 2018

Re: H1 Results You are better informed than me in many ways. It still seems to me, whatever the short term considerations, to be a very sound investment. A decent firm, well run. (Raise birds myself, so am well and truly locked in with the grower/processor).

winningstreak 20 Apr 2018

Re: H1 Results I take your point. But I understand that since then PIL has put in place agreements with its customers (supermarkets) which ensure a margin over prevailing market wholesale prices at the time of delivery.And and any rate, should this year's H2 be not so good, then next year's H2 might be extra good. I own a small farm, I live with the ups and downs, I look at a five year average, should the five-year average be bad, then I need to do a rethink. Haven't had todo a rethink yet, and I have been here for over 40 years.Cheers,ws

Blanketstacker 20 Apr 2018

Re: H1 Results From 2013:"Produce Investments swung to a first-half pretax loss of £1.2 million, from a profit of £4.1 million, as it struggled to pass a hike in costs on to customers.Revenue for the period was £89.7 million, from £79.4 million. It proposed an interim dividend of 1.82p a share, unchanged from the year-earlier same period.The company said the hike in revenue was driven by increased selling prices across its entire customer base.However, the "lowest yielding and poorest quality crop since 1976 resulted in increased raw material costs from additional imported tonnage and high free-buy prices in the UK," the company said.All efforts have been made to pass these onto our customers but a delay in achieving these increases has impacted operating profit during the period with the Group incurring an operating loss of £0.68m (2011: profit of £4.76m)."

Blanketstacker 20 Apr 2018

Re: H1 Results Agricultural commodity prices are not that flexible, due to the influence of large retailers. If you look back through the news releases here poor cropping has led to decreased profits for the company.

winningstreak 19 Apr 2018

Re: H1 Results For good prices you need poor crops. Important, however, is that the poorcrop, or late crop, is general and throughout the

Blanketstacker 19 Apr 2018

Re: H1 Results This is from the interims:"The recent poor weather has resulted in a delay to the start of the planting season in both Jersey and Rowe however, the Board currently expects underlying trading profit for the full year to be broadly in line with its expectations."I do not hold here, but like the company very much. However if the weather in the west does not pick up they are likely to suffer severe problems. Near me we are near a month behind in the fields. This cuts back the growing season considerably and will be reflected in poor cropping. I am holding off buying here until we see a heatwave!!!

winningstreak 22 Mar 2018

H1 Results Massive improvement on last year's H1. This time Profit per Share : 5.78pLast year Loss per Share : 3.21p The difference amounts to: 8.99p positive! Thus a distinct likelihood of a nice EPS figure for the whole year. WS

winningstreak 23 Jan 2018

Re: Jersey Royal potatoes We can blame Boris for that, perhaps he will roll up his sleevesand help out, saves him have to do his jogging to expel his wind.Tongue in cheek,wsP.S. I hold PL long term, patience is required here. For a short term rise, one may need to look at another stock, LPA might be of interest, good figures there this morning.

Card Player 15 Jan 2018

Re: Jersey Royal potatoes Guardian: "Jersey Royal potato crop could be hit by shortage of EU workers"link: [link]

winningstreak 16 Nov 2017

Re: H1/H2 - Low PE-ratio Going by H2 performance of last year, there is a distinctlikelihood of a good H1 this year, therefore, in my view, not at all unrealistic to think EPS as high as 30p being achieved this trading year At current share price 175p, we are lookingat a PE-ratio potentially as low as barely Six. This, combined with the generous dividend going here, makes the the share look very good value.IMHO,ws

winningstreak 28 Sep 2017

H1/H2 With the excellent results achieved in H2 (see RNS), the likelyhoodof achieving EPS 30p+ for the current financial year is distinct. Allthat is needed is a return to a normal decent H1, thus making last year's H1 loss an exceptional thing of the

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