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Davejames76 26 Feb 2015

Re: With holding Tax Paid - Hurrah! Hello Fullerbull1, Congratulations on getting your tax back from TD. I am also with TD and have yet to have the good fortune to speak with someone who can help me get the tax back. I've been given a good run around by them. They have passed me all over the place. I even spoke with SIntec Media who bought out PGB, they sent me an email informing me that everyone who held PGB with TD were exempt from paying tax and all the withheld tax money had been sent to them. I still got sent to speak with the Israeli revenue, which is where I got stuck. If you could let me know either who your wife spoke with or what she said perhaps that might help me.Thank you.

Fullerbull1 04 Feb 2015

Re: With holding Tax Paid - Hurrah! Yep - and thank goodness for that! One disappointment is that I am not sure what I have learned from the experience: "Don't buy Israeli stocks?"; "Get out of TDDI asap - notwithstanding the massive transfer costs?"; or What? Oh well, I've got a very satisfying result, all the more so because of the frustration so far - and I suppose that's the end of this board at last. Thanks to all for sharing their frustrations - it made mine a little more bearable!RgdsFuller

Mapomapo 03 Feb 2015

Re: With holding Tax Paid - Hurrah! That is very good to hear. I guess that is now the end of this board.

Fullerbull1 02 Feb 2015

With holding Tax Paid - Hurrah! At last my wife found someone at TDDI who actually listened to what she was saying and set about trying to resolve the problem - instead of the usual fobbing-off exercise "another tranche of money is coming through soon", "it will take a little while for all the with holding tax to be released", and most incredible of all, "What do you mean when you say: With Holding Tax" ! Anyway the customer service rep at TDDI this time was absolutely excellent and resolved the issue in three weeks - so my wife has now got it - Hurrah! (only 9 months delay). We still don't know what the problem was, but clearly someone, somewhere, was sitting on their hands.

Fullerbull1 21 Nov 2014

Re: Mapomapo I know that you didn't address this to me, but my wife has the same problem and has not received any monies to date (21/11/2014) - nor has she received a reply to the letter she wrote to TDDI some weeks ago asking how she might set about expediting the payment (e.g. what further info do "they" want?)RgdsFuller

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