Re: Rejected offer You are being absurd, what on earth is your point?Premier foods a few times 'rejected' the bid from mccormicks' but everybody knows until the party officially walks away in line with the rules of the takeover the bid is in play. Premier foods rose even after the initial bid was 'rejected' in anticipation of a deal being done. It only fell when mccormick formally withdrew, not when PFD rejected the initial deal just like Unilever did on Friday.Unilever rose on Friday as investors saw that the deal was in play, a deal may be struck, even though the initial offer was rejected. Kraft have now withdrawn, what the shareprice will do we will see tomorrow, however I suspect it will fall as the stock is no longer in play.In any case what on earth is your point?
Re: Rejected offer I think you are getting your timings confused.PFD rose when the offer was announced, it fell when it with rejected/withdrawn.Unilever rose when the offer was announced, we don't know what it will do now it's been rejected/withdrawn as it's Sunday.---------- ---------- ---------- -------Good afternoon pyucek, with all due respect it is your good self that is getting ones timings confused, as per ULVRs RNS at 13.30 Friday (I have copied the extract below) they categorically stated that they had "rejected" the offer and saw no basis for further discussions. It was plain for all to see that the offer had been "rejected". One can only hope PFD is either "bought" out or the inadequate and incompetent CEO is removed for all share holders sakes.AGWFor immediate release17 February 2017Unilever PLC and Unilever N.V. ("Unilever"Statement regarding announcement by The Kraft Heinz Company of a potential transactionUnilever notes the recent announcement by The Kraft Heinz Company ("Kraft Heinz"
that it has made a potential offer for all of the shares of Unilever PLC and Unilever N.V.Their proposal represents a premium of 18% to Unilever's share price as at the close of business on 16 February 2017. This fundamentally undervalues Unilever. Unilever rejected the proposal as it sees no merit, either financial or strategic, for Unilever's shareholders. Unilever does not see the basis for any further discussions.
Re: Rejected offer I think you are getting your timings confused.PFD rose when the offer was announced, it fell when it with rejected/withdrawn.Unilever rose when the offer was announced, we don't know what it will do now it's been rejected/withdrawn as it's Sunday.The reason PFD's price is so low is because it's results have been rubbish, is mired in debt, has a huge pension liability and has a CEO who 6 months after promising good growth and rejecting a takeover was announcing a profit warning.
Rejected offer as we all know Unilever rejected the approach from Kraft, yet their share price gushed to a new high on the fact, Premier rejected McCormicks offer yet the share price fell almost 50% on the day of rejection, what have I missed ? A very confused AGW
Re: Kraft MA is active.That alone has to give us something to cheer about?Doesn't it? Tesco - BookersKraft - UnileverI guess we are all living in the hope that behind the closed doors there is a deal to put a smile on our faces being put together.I see the sp where it is as being on the floor with no where else to go other than up.Mind you, I thought that when it hit 47p when I last added..
Re: Kraft It's only £99.5bn pounds cheaper too! Let's face it Unilver has better brands, has way way more sales, has better management, has better marketing, has global put it in short it's a much better company.However in terms of what you get for your money PFD is miles better imho. That doesn't mean there will be a bid though. Something put the previous bidders off, maybe it was the management, or maybe we are all blaming Darby out of hand, and maybe they ran.Still i blame him for that awful booklet he produced saying how the future was so rosy for PFD. For that alone he should have fallen on his sword by now.
Kraft [link] disappointed Kraft might spread (!) its wings wider and look at PFD?The B
Re: Takeover When will cards be shown?Or are we holding duff hands?I suspect its in a stage of bluff period.Added a few more just now after top slicing a little bit of profit from a holding that has done well.Back to sitting and waiting now.
Re: Take note Gavin Darby, your days are numbered, you clearly did not act in the interest of shareholders by refusing Mc Cormicks bid first time round, fortunately for shareholders you will have no say in the matter this time.How much did the brown envelope contain from Nissin?Tick tock, counting down the days before your jobless..........
Take note Gavin Thomas cook has responded to shareholder pressure and reduced the maximum payout for its chief executive under a new long-term bonus plan, after a third of investors voted against it.In the biggest revolt, 32.7% of the travel companys shareholders opposed its plan to pay Peter Fankhauser a long-term bonus of up to 225% of his base salary of £703,000, worth about £1.6m a year.
Re: Top Up Time? Personally I'm skeptical of McCormick coming back, I just have a feeling that when they made their offer they had failed to fully understand the pension liability. However I continue to hold in hope.Re: Nissin, I think they are happy with the level of investment, getting a seat on the board and getting the level of control they need to benefit their own business. Why spend more money increasing their investment, what benefit would it bring? They would also start to lose flexibility, at a 30% holding level they are obliged to make a takeover offer for the remaining shares.
Re: Top Up Time? ... no great rush. Just added another 10k at 38.4375p just now. the time that I changed accounts to buy a few more the buy price was 38.625p - and my trade was the only visible trade of 'substance' but still chicken feed. I suspect that the shorters are trying to push the price down. They have bigger guns than me - but I am in no rush. I had a much larger holding before that I sold out at far greater prices - so I am really only filling the shelves again! I doubt if I can get PFD at 32p again so I guess that I will have to make do at around 38p for now.Coming back to the pension deficit - the key thing here is higher interest rates. On balance I do not see them moving lower in the near future and therefore the pension deficit may be approaching its highest value - but will reduce as and when discount rates start to rise. Shorters beware - I am watching and waiting!The B
Re: Top Up Time? have been accumulating as I believe the drop is totally overdone considering a bid of circa 70p odd was rejected, the lower the market takes this the quicker a take over will occur, so go on Mr market try to shake out the spread betters and then let the pros top up big time ready for a T/O.What amazes me is that whilst Nis purchased a chunk at 63p it is strange why they have not decided to get their avg down at these super low prices, something going on and it won't be long till PFD disappears from Darbys grasp.Cant wait personally.Good luck.
Re: Top Up Time? "No great rush as I cannot see much really positive news for a while"Perhaps you are right Buzz.However we never know if and when there may be a new bid?nk
Top Up Time? Share price just dipped to 38.75p to buy, so have put in a small order as the price has more or less reached the support level that I identified and posted about a few months ago. Some support and now 39p. Now 39.25p to buy. I am wondering if the shorters are testing the support level so I suspect that we may revisit this level again? No great rush as I cannot see much really positive news for a while - more a speculative price where there is not a huge amount of scope for a further large fall until the next annual report comes out in May - apart from the discount rate used in pension calculations now seems to be about 2.9% whereas the last annual report quoted 3.3% for the pension fund and 0.4% will be about 4x£80m increase in liability.The B