Petrel Resources Live Discussion

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sabine.muir 09 Sep 2019

Still breathing Has anyone got shares in this company? Big rises this week…

cybervader 08 Sep 2016

Re: Still breathing I had a google alert saying that Petrel had finally started talks with the Ghanain govt on that may be it

Ghost Bear 07 Sep 2016

Re: Still breathing anyone any clues on the big rise today? though suspect it will retrace as quickly!!

3Mercury 22 Aug 2016

Re: Still breathing Sit and wait, as PET isn't going anywhere fast.

Ghost Bear 23 Jun 2016

Still breathing Can't believe there is still life in this old dog

Simbrad 23 Jun 2016

"Petrel Resources and Clontarf Energy have advised that they have been informed by the Ghanaian Ministry of Petroleum that it is available for negotiations on the Companies proposals for amended coordinates of the Tano 2A Basin Block. The Tano 2A Block was owned by Pan Andean Resources, 30% held by Petrel, 60% by Clontarf and 10% by local Ghanaians. The Ministry advised that the Lukoil B Block is available for negotiations. Positive developments for both Petrel Resources and Clontarf Energy with the potential for negotiations on the Lukoil B Block. The Lukoil B Block is located offshore and in deeper water than the Companies previous Tano 2A Block, but is considered highly prospective." Northland's view out this morning on research tree

Simbrad 06 Jun 2016

Another note out this morning from Northland Capital, "Petrel Resources has been awarded two new Licencing Options in the Porcupine Basin, offshore Ireland.... The options are valid for two years and can be converted into Frontier Exploration Licences... The award of these two licence options is a positive development for Petrel Resources. The Company had focused on seeking prospective areas in reasonable water depths close to existing discoveries making these licence options interesting targets for the Company."

Simbrad 25 May 2016

Read Northland Capital Partners's note on Petrel Resources out this morning, by visiting Research Tree: "Positive development for Petrel Resources with its interest in two significant Porcupine Basin plays being moved forward by partner Woodside Petroleum. During the 2015 Bid Round for Irish offshore licences there were 17 companies making 43 applications highlighting the recent uptick in interest in the area..."

Schachmeister 13 Apr 2016

Re: Big Rise Pet & Clon are rising on speculation for the ratification of the Tano License in Ghana. If approved, the impact on Pet & Clon will be very significant.The block is next to Tullow's Jubilee field,and is one of the hottest oil exploration spots around. My research strongly suggests a favourable outcome and I have positioned myself accordingly some months ago in Clon,as it is more highly geared to the Tano license than Pet.

Ghost Bear 13 Apr 2016

Big Rise Nearly a penny rise in a week. Any clues what is going on here, no news but people are buying. Just can't work out why. I have a few of these left and have basically written them off

smudgedan 23 Dec 2015

Clontarf-Petrel Tano 2A licence in Ghana Ratified and production licence Granted [link] .

riddler24 01 Dec 2015

Clontarf (CLON) Tano 2A licence in Ghana enlarged: Two Irish exploration firms - Clontarf Energy and Petrel [link] .

Ghost Bear 25 Jun 2015

RNS - Brutally Honest Reading the RNs is no surprises - some very very long shot possibilities, share price slashed (I know!!), etc - but at least it is plain and honest - no spin

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