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Gunnergadin 15 Aug 2018

Investors Chronicle tip Simon Thompson has tipped this, under his Alpha research hat, rating it as a ‘Strong Buy’. Should see some steady momentum going forward.

Looking for growth 22 Feb 2017

CEO goes Sold out first thing until I understand what has gone on here to cause this.LFG

Blanketstacker 26 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Have you seen Paul Scott's film on 'Brexit Bargains'? It seems tobe accessible through his Stockopedia page or his Twitter account. Trying now.

Blanketstacker 26 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi JackoYes, I have SAG and think this is a very sound company. The fundamentals are good, and the yield is good compensation for holding. The management have an excellent record elsewhere, and there is freehold property on the books. As you say the majority of the business is conducted abroad, so the continued weak pound will help. A good one to hold, I think, and one I will be hanging onto.Whether anything is a buy at the mo, or whether we will see further falls, I do not know. Just out of curiousity, the fall everywhere on Friday was HUGE, but I had twelve order buys in place for companies I see as potential value buys at the right price. Not a single one was triggered! I can see the next couple of years being a trader's dream. Every time Boris belches the markets will throw a wobbly! Long term we should be OK, I hope!Good luckb

Another Jacko 26 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi BlanketstackerI noticed you posting over on the Science Group thread. Do you hold any shares in them? I've followed them since they were Sagentia but am thinking of making a maiden purchase next week with the price at 120p as I think they're good value and since 57% of their business is with the states I would have thought a weak pound would help them.

Blanketstacker 25 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi JackoNot too bad, thanks. I have some GFRD, which are down 10% or so. I could not trade at all yesterday morning as my provider was down. Not happy! It will be interesting to see what occurs on Monday. Banks and builders have fallen so far I could be tempted!

Another Jacko 24 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi BlanketstackerI hope you didn't invest too much into banks and property.I haven't suffered too badly today, but naturally both portfolios are down some way at the moment. I bought a few DEB as I like the shops, although price inflation hitting either turnover or margins has to be a worry if the pound remains low.

Blanketstacker 24 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Well, I got that one good and wrong!!

Another Jacko 20 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi BlanketstackerVCT's don't really appeal to me and neither do stockbrokers, their profits always seem so unreliable.But thanks for the heads up.

Blanketstacker 19 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi again JackoI am looking at builders as a shorter term trade. The referendum has scuppered them recently, and we should see a surge on Friday. Not my usual style, but needs must! The fundamentals are good across many, at least for now!VIN looks good. Are you interested in VCTs at all? NVT and BVT seem to have decent NAV and reasonably safe dividends. The yields are 5%+. NUM plopped on Friday and may well be wi=orth revisiting.All the bestb

Another Jacko 16 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi BlanketstackerThe builders don't interest me, I have been expecting a property market crash for 10 years now! In all seriousness property is massively overvalued, round here it costs £200k for a one bed flat on a council estate. It's just ridiculous population growth that makes me wonder whether or not it's ever going to happen.The banks don't interest me either, their balance sheets are impossible to understand and they do have a habit of going pop.I bought some VIN into my SIPP, high yielding investment trust on a decent discount to underlying NAV although they have fallen substantially today. I mainly bought them to get a better spread of investments in my SIPP and for the yield of over 4% which looks pretty safe.I'm still sitting on cash too before the Brexit vote and because there is not much else that I want to buy at the moment.Good news out of PEN today anyway although the price has hardly moved, I guess that's the general market weakness coming into play.

Blanketstacker 16 Jun 2016

Re: New contracts Hi again JackoI am away from here for now, but will be back. Are you tempted by the builders at all? the referendum has put the kybosh on them for a while now, despite generally good fundamentals. GFRD and BWY seem very attractive to me. I have dabbled in the former. The banks are suffering too, if that is your kind of thing. It could be an opportunity to pick up some high-yielding stuff to tuck away.

Another Jacko 01 Jun 2016

New contracts Excellent news today and the price has responded accordingly. It appears they have finally signed off on that other large contract they were talking about and have also signed another.Good timing Blankets

Blanketstacker 25 May 2016

Re: Blanketstacker Hi againFor what it is worth here are my views on SL. and AUK. The former I like, but I think at the mo it is a little rich for me. Lovely yield and generally a sound set up, but I would need to see a decline in the price to bring me in. I can only see that happening if there is a general decline in the market. The PER is over 12, which seems stiff for that kind of business.AUK has too much exposure to the Middle East for me at the mo. As well as the oil price dcline there is also the continual threat of someone bubbling someone else for the odd bung (although in the lon run it never did CSG any real harm!!!). Good firm and excellent financials, but the charts suggest something under 6 may happen. If it does I am in.Two more confirmed for the watch list! Thanks jacko.

Another Jacko 24 May 2016

Re: Blanketstacker The only reason I have SL. shares is because I carpetbagged them with a small policy many many years ago and got some for free when they demutualised. I've been reinvesting the dividends ever since. I must admit though they're starting to look pretty good value as the price keeps falling and I've had a nice capital return out of them.

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