Re: Regent Interims / PLE / Fortacin [link]
Re: Regent Interims / PLE / Fortacin [link]
Regent Interims / PLE / Fortacin Post the interim reporting period and as announced by the Company on 14 August 2017,the Group has reached an advanced stage of negotiations with Recordati, the Groups outlicencingand commercial partner for the sale and distribution of Fortacin in ContinentalEurope, in respect of revising certain of the commercial terms set out in the previousagreement entered into with Recordati on 16 September 2014 and effective from 26September 2014, in respect of the rights to commercialise FortacinTM.Under the proposed amendments to the previous agreement, the Group, acting throughPlethora Solutions (a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company), will be eligible to receivepayments of up to EUR 41 million (or approximately US$48.20 million) plus royalties afterhitting certain milestones related to the Continental European roll-out. Specifically, PlethoraSolutions will be eligible to receive: A payment of EUR 4 million (or approximately US$4.70 million) on the effective date ofthe amended out-licence agreement; A payment of up to EUR 4 million (or approximately US$4.70 million) in total uponfirst commercial sales of the Fortacin product in France, Germany, Italy, Spain andPortugal (EUR 800,000 (or approximately US$940,000) for each of these 5 countries); A possible payment of up to EUR 8 million (or approximately US$9.40 million) in total,dependent on the net sales achieved by Recordati in the first 3 years of sales; Up to EUR 25 million (or approximately US$29.39 million) in aggregate in sales-basedmilestones; and Tiered percentage royalties on net sales, ranging from the mid-teens to the midtwentiesfor 10 years from first commercial sale, and thereafter at a single digitpercentage royalty rate.For further details relating to the proposed amendments to the previous agreement,shareholders and investors should refer to the section entitled Summary of proposedamendments to the previous agreement, which appears below within this report.Going forward, the Group will: (i) pursue the successful commercialisation of Fortacin asquickly as possible, not only in Europe with Recordati, but also in the remaining key marketsof the North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific regions; and (ii) continue with itsexisting strategy of pursuing strategic and value-led investments in the healthcare and lifesciences sectors.[link]
Regent doing welll Over the last couple of days Regent Pacific ( PLE ) has bottomed at 0.27 and risen to .35 today up another 10% this morning.[link] would be good to see some positive movement in PEBI atb
Biotech Growth: political meddling is a buying opportunity [link]
Re: Biotechs gaining interest [link]
Biotechs gaining interest Last couple of days this sector has been doing well.Listened to a US chartist 2 days ago saying he was really bullish on the sector after falling since 2014 with some now paying decent dividend which should surely attract Jim.Shame about Regent share price weakness but PEBI would have just under a 1million in cash to re-invest which could be timely.atb
Re: Regent Pacific continuing to move up Slagged on Share prophets today some connection to ( PLE ) Regent pacific.
Fair value post results...4p? Some pretty poor results coming out here, that cause me to revise down my fair value estimate on this particular company.Current NAV is about 9.3p/share, based on the stated accounts here and the closing price for their listed holdings as of yesterdayof this, 7.5p of the NAV is realisable (listed holdings, minus trade payables plus cash).The loan to the Diabetic Boot Company is a real shocker, in my opinion. An unsecured loan of 200k at 7% to an unlisted related party company does not appear to represent good value. Effectively, a liquid asset (MBIF shares) has been converted into a non-liquid asset for a very modest rate of return. No update in terms of the planned "closure of the discount to NAV" that was highlighted in last year's report.Finally, one has to take account the fact that the company has ongoing costs of c. 200k pa, which act as a material drag on any investment returns that are achieved within the portfolio.So.... thinking this one through, if I have 7.5p/share of realisable value, and I need to account for- a 10% annual reduction through ongoing corporate costs- a 10-15% bid offer spread and lack of liquidity in trading- a 5-10% discount reflecting the fact that I could, just as easily, own the underlying traded shares directly.= 30% discount is fair value = c. 5p/share. Good value is something below this.There is upside potential, of course, but one has to remember that Jim will take a percentage of this as a management fee, and in any case the only upside that matters is in the unlisted investments. If you think that Summit/Regent Pacific/MBIF are great value, then just buy them directly.So, I bide my time and wait for the price to drop a bit more.
Re: Regent Pacific continuing to move up Thanks.Agree that the NAV is about 12.2p or thereabouts (would be interested in seeing your calculation, as 12.4p is what I worked out at today's prices, including the gains on Regent Pacific). I use realisable NAV for my calculation (i.e. only valuing listed holdings and deducting any net current liabilities), which takes me to 10.7p (and hence a sell in the 8-9p range). Mind you, I'm a pretty cautious investor in stocks this small. Past experience has taught me to look for a really big discount before putting my money on the line.Good luck.
Regent Pacific continuing to move up Regent Pacific up almost another 20% to 0.72 overnight in HK....On another bb we calculated the NAV now to be around 12.2p, and that was before this move up for RP.An 8p share price therefore still looks pretty good. And also we should soon get RNS news on Diabetic Boot reversing into Life Science Dev (LSI) - this could bump up the NAV quite a bit.
Price getting to (or above) fair value This is truly a share that keeps giving (at least to me) so I know if will seem weird to give a sell recommendation. But nonetheless I would sell if the bid goes above 9p. I have sold into this strength at 8pThe price for PEBI is, for the reasons I have posted previously, is at least 20% below NAV. The recent move of the value of Regent Pacific has increased the realisable NAV to about 11 (as Magna, the dominant holding is down in the same period). For that reason, having happily accumulated in the 4-4.5p range, I'm out.
Re: Plethora related - Fortacin Product ... Sorry should have been : - [link]
Re: Plethora related - Fortacin Product laun... [link]
Plethora related - Fortacin Product launched on 11th November [link] LAUNCH OF FORTACINA BREAKTHROUGH TREATMENT FORPREMATURE EJACULATIONNOW AVAILABLE IN THE UK AND,FROM 2017, IN CONTINENTAL EUROPERegent Pacific Group Limited (Regent Pacific or the Companyand together with its subsidiaries, the Group, a specialisthealthcare and life sciences investment group, is pleased toannounce the commercial launch of Fortacin in the United Kingdom(UK
. Fortacin is now immediately available in the UK by way ofprescription and, from 2017, we expect the treatment to be availablein Continental Europe. Fortacin is the first EU approvedprescription treatment for premature ejaculation (PE
that does notact on the central nervous system.The first batch of Fortacin will be on commercial sale, by prescription, in the UK from today.Thereafter, Regent Pacifics commercial partner Recordati S.p.A. is expected to begin sales ofFortacin in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland,Ireland, Romania and Greece in 2017 and roll-out in the rest of Europe, Russia, CIS and selectcountries of North Africa. The treatment is a topical spray containing low doses of twoanaesthetics lidocaine and prilocaine that takes effect almost immediately upon application,giving users more control without reducing pleasure.Jamie Gibson, the Chief Executive Officer of Regent Pacific said, Now that we havesuccessfully launched Fortacin, long suffering PE patients in the UK will finally have atrustworthy prescriptive remedy for the condition which is affecting one in every four menglobally. The launch will deliver a steady stream of recurring cash flow for the Group in theyears to come. Our goal is to bring Fortacin to men across the world and create substantialreturns for our shareholders.Dr Michael Wyllie, Chief Scientific Officer of Regent Pacific said, PE is one of the mostcommon male sexual problems with prevalence higher than erectile dysfunction, affecting up to600 million men globally[1]. It creates significant burden on health, emotion, and overall qualityof life of both men and their partners. We are therefore extremely excited to bring Fortacin tothe market, and serve the genuine need of sufferers for effective treatments.About Regent PacificRegent Pacific is a diversified investment group based in Hong Kong currently holding variouscorporate and strategic investments focusing on the healthcare and life sciences sectors. Itswholly-owned subsidiary, Plethora Solutions Holdings plc, is a specialty pharmaceuticalcompany whose core product Fortacin is the first EU approved topical prescription treatmentfor Premature Ejaculation that does not act on the central nervous system, launched in the UKin November 2016 and subsequently in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, CzechRepublic, Slovakia, Poland, Ireland, Romania and Greece, the rest of Europe, Russia, CIS andcertain countries of North Africa. The Group has a strong track record of investments and hasreturned approximately US$298 million to shareholders in the 19 years of financial reportingsince its initial public offering.[link]