Pacific Assets Trust Live Discussion

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SundayTrader 17 Nov 2017

Re: very bad year Not in China at all, over 30% in India, which has been weaker than China this year.Not sure myself - I have held it for about five years and it has done well up to this year. In theory I think they are right to be overweight on India. Clearly this is not the place to be if you want to back the continued Chinese boom.

jsan22 31 Oct 2017

very bad year 15th out of 15 ITs in the Asia Pacific sector.I understand that this fund has been defensively-minded and avoids the frothy areas of the market . However when it starts to lag over a 3 year period, I start to wonder why I'm paying fees to these guys.Any opinions?

jsan22 01 Nov 2016

Re: Quarterly report thanks for posting - a depressing read though! Interesting that the world and his dog are braced for a crash, whatever happened to euphoria?

marconiman 01 Nov 2016

Quarterly report [link]

Leslie48 18 Mar 2015

Looking good- has Indian shares too I decided to go for this particularly as anything significantly Indian is rising and this has circa 31% in India with a spread across other Asian tigers. also has some Phillipines exposure I generally only have Income paying shares and this does that too. Moreover its improving relative to its peers.
