Onesavings Bank Live Discussion

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mcescher 29 Jul 2015

Pretty cool OSB / CBG infographic report Good OneSavings Bank / Close Brothers Group plc comparison. Has analysts estimates of EPS which is interesting. [link]

Courtier1 08 Jul 2015

Re: 11% down Yep - budget changed the bank tax to a surcharge of 8% of profits irrespective of balance sheet size. Whereas the challenger banks were effectively exempt of the previous tax you've just seen 8% wiped off their post tax earnings.

Misty Creamybib 08 Jul 2015

11% down Seems to be taking a hammering on budget day. Other banks have fared a lot better.Am I missing any news?

Misty Creamybib 17 Mar 2015

Excellent Results Only bought these on 13th March so I am really happy with these results. They make the forward earnings estimates look rather tame in comparison and given plenty of room for further upside.2015-12-31 118.23 80.76 25.90p 8.3 1.3 6% 6.50p 3.0%2016-12-31 144.75 89.32 28.43p 7.5 0.8 10% 7.11p 3.3%A forward P/E of 7.5 for a company which has just doubled it's profit - Bonkers!!!

dandigirl 17 Mar 2015

Today's Results Excellent results today including a maiden dividend of 3.9p.

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