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08:25 29/08/2014

......Garth Brooks........

11:35 25/08/2014

If Garth Brooks was invested here, he might post something like....."If tomorrow never comes,Will she know how much I loved her,Did I try in every way to show her every day,That she's my only one And if my time on earth were through,And she must face the world without me,Is the love I gave her in the past,Gonna be enough to last If tomorrow never comes.......

17:55 08/08/2014

From what I can figure, its not stated whether a buy is asell, instead it is calculated by the price of the transaction. If someone bought a large volume at a discount, this may show as a sell

16:41 30/07/2014

wakey wakey everybody.... up nearly 10% in Dublin. Is there any news imminent ?

19:50 16/07/2014

The other "miner" is New Age Exploration - they are years away from doing anything, as they are concentrating on the Lochinavar Coking Coal project on the Scottish border.

19:27 12/05/2014

Land, tailings and Permits (historical), have an owner BEGIKOENLIQUIDACION ORMONDE nobody noticed?

19:27 12/05/2014

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