Ramp on lse vast board ORCP… XXXX They have some weird names im sure cabals operate on all the boards. ( not sure about no opinion !! ) … spiceygoat Posts: 3,121 Price: 0.335 No Opinion RE: DIAMOND MOA/JVToday 08:18 Yeah i have sold my last few and put in ORCP too Looks like as easy bagger this week
Buying Range Today’s ASK 0.55 My buying range 0.3 - 0.45 2 Year Plan
Re: Mining, anyone ? Thanks BBI know for a fact this will go ahead and get completed - am making sure if its investable as well ?I will get in around Nov - post fund raising or even this time next year.You will make money not sure what %.Thankd again
Re: Mining, anyone ? BrownAdderRe"OCRP needs ~12.7 Million US$ to get to commercialisation.All of which will come from 2 Chinese companies in exchange for Equtiy ?"That's not how I read it.Total project cost is 1.7 million USD, with 25% of that coming from equity, so that's 425 million USD. Our share of that is 12.1%, so that's 51 million USD.Again, from [link] to retain project equity stake of 12.1%; Oracles historic investment, plus a potential premium, to be included as part of its investment contribution"So, the historic investment is being knocked off our share of the project, but the bit about the "potential premium" is woolly. I'd expect some fund raising on our part, but, to be honest, I don't think it can be quantified at the moment, so I'm very much in "close my eyes, hide behind the sofa and hope it works out" territory with this one ! It's not been a great investment for me, but I'm still vaguely hopeful of a happy ending.
Re: Mining, anyone ? Thanks BBIt does help a lot. If you dont mind, may I ask some further annoying questions. Guessing from your figures, OCRP needs ~12.7 Million US$ to get to commercialisation.All of which will come from 2 Chinese companies in exchange for Equtiy ?12.7 M is around half of current MCAP.You think issuing new shares is the only way for equity loan ?
Re: Mining, anyone ? From [link] anticipated cost of commercialisation is ~ 1.7 million USD Re :-"100% of the required funding to equal 87.9% of ORCP value ?That doesnt fit in my head."I'm not sure what you mean there ?Going forward, assuming as things go as planned, the company will be split 75/25 debt to equity, so our share of the equity ( 12.1%), will, theoretically anyway, equate to roughly 3% of the total value of the companyCurrent market cap is roughly 17 million GBP, or ~ 25 million USDRolled up losses are ~ 8 million GBP, or ~ 11 million USD. Our losses are "... to be recognised as part of the Company's equity holding in the Project"So, our overall value in the equity is worth ~36 million USD, and, with the sp having drifted down recently, was probably worth closer to 50 million USD at the time the MOU was signed ( sp was ~2.0p )So our share of the equity suggests the whole value of getting the project to a commercial state is 50*100/3 = 1,666 USDWhich is close enough to 1,700 USD to make no differenceI'm not sure if that helps answer your question though !
Mining, anyone ? I need help from someone who knows about mining sector as I dont.Re: 2018 plansSecuring of the financing for their share of the equity and all project debt.We know existing debt.What could be the cost of commercialisation - any ideas ? Also according to RNS The Chinese would take a majority shareholding in the project with SCIG having 78%, PowerChina 9.9% Oracle 12.1% of the project companies100% of the required funding to equal 87.9% of ORCP value ?That doesnt fit in my head.Any ideas folks ?
Power China Power China, our partners in this venture are obviously no stranger to constructing supercritical power plants in Pakistan having completed one last year."The Sahiwal Coal Power Plant was approved to begin commercial operation by Pakistani authorities NEPRA at midnight on Oct 27, after passing a total of 10 acceptance tests."[link] the closure of the 'People's Congress' on 20th March I would expect larger projects to start moving forward again. Sichuan Provincial Investment Group Co. Ltd. the other investor is a state-owned investment firm under Sichuans provincial government.
Formal Approval Confirmed So, we're another step closer now, and the sp has reacted nicely and is up about 0.5p to ~1.8p as I type.Admittedly, that's still below the price I topped up at in December, but timing's never been my strong point !
Positive signal Director buy is a positive signal - doesn't seem to have been a director purchase for ..well...I couldn't find any listed on here.Was concerned buy the requirements for super-critical technology but turns out they've been building them in china for a few years now so no worries there.Continuing to hold and wa
ORCP tidies up ownership of coal lease [link]
not a sell Hi Boring Bernie, I'm still in Oracle but everyday I wonder why. I think everything is positive, its just taking sooooo long to get back to at least break even. There is no doubt in my mind that the SP will rise its just a matter of what year.Maybe we will be bought out entirely by the Chinese at a decent premium, if not then it is definitely one for the long haul. I thought, in my naivety, that with open cast mining it was going to be a very simple process to get the coal out of the ground and revenue start flooding in. I don't mean to be critical because the board are obviously progressing nicely and slow and steady will definitely win this race. It's just that my patience is wearing thin but I refuse to pull out for a loss. Start of another year with Oracle Power and still hopeful but tired of waiting.
Placing It's not often you see a placing take place at a premium of 20%, so I've added a small ( 100,000 ) amount to my holding here.Along with the details of the MOU released last month, the placing seems to show that we're moving into the next phase of the project, so, while it's going to take some time before coal's being mined and electricity produced, it's been partly de-risked.Hopefully the market will wake up to what's happening here, but I'm not holding my breath on that !
MOU Looks like there's only be left on this board now !Anyway, today's RNS about the MOU where it says ..."... that the Chinese parties will take a significant majority equity holding, will arrange debt finance and ..."I wonder how that's going to pan out for us existing shareholders ? I can't really see the Chinese buying shares on the open market, or many of our significant shareholders passing their shares over, so I'm guessing that means a shed load of new shares will be issued, hopefully at, or around the market price.I like the fact that they're going to arrange the debt finance, if they can't get that done relatively cheaply, then I don't think anyone can.Anyway, barring a sharp increase in the sp from where it is today ( ~2.6p ) I'm holding until, at least, we get some more details next month.
Neal Griffith I saw today's RNS and wondered who he was.Among other things, he's CEO at[link] havn't a clue how savyy or successful he is ( or isn't ) though