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Gorb 10 Apr 2015

Re: Nikon takeover at 340p cash You're probably wise. I'll probably sell before month end. Optos is a company I watched for a long time (I new something of its start-up phase) and only bought 14 months or so ago, so a decent profit to offset Iomart which I still hold.

S17 24 Mar 2015

Re: Nikon takeover at 340p cash I don't understand it either. However, at these prices I am into certain profit after a very long period showing a loss.I wish Optos well, not least because I have had retinal problems with both eyes. I have now taken the certain profit, rather than waiting for an uncertain better offer.

Gorb 20 Mar 2015

Re: Nikon takeover at 340p cash The mystery continues - or perhaps I just don't understand the deeper workings of the exchange!A rival bidder should have appeared by now, and meantime there are all these Form 8.3 and Form 8.5 dealings being declared - all above the agreed offer price. What do we not understand?

S17 04 Mar 2015

Re: Nikon takeover at 340p cash According to the circular I've received today, at 26th February. only 13.2% of the existing shares had been the subject of irrevocable undertakings and letters of intent to accept the offer of 340p.Personally, I'll be happy to accept that, but it's always possible there could be someone out there who feels that's a bargain price, and may want to make a higher offer. So far there's no evidence that there is, but it would take more than two or three days to prepare an offer. Consequently the price may reflect the possibility that, somewhere, there's another suitor now cobbling together a better deal.

Gorb 03 Mar 2015

Re: Nikon takeover at 340p cash And still going up. Now 2% above offer price. Lots of small buys and sells - although you've got to be careful about looking at Trades. I've seen one of my trades 'misallocated' as a sell when it was a buy at an intermediate sort of price.

S17 02 Mar 2015

Re: Nikon takeover at 340p cash I did say 'almost a done deal' because I was wondering the same thing!. Surely not a rival ready to put in a higher offer?

Gorb 02 Mar 2015

Re: Nikon takeover at 340p cash If it's a done deal, why have the shares been trading today well above the offer price? Am I missing something? I bought over a year ago and not sure whether to sell now or hang on.

S17 28 Feb 2015

Nikon takeover at 340p cash Looks almost a done deal, see; [link] one who has suffered retinal damage in both eyes this investment was less about financial gain than supporting the science. I've been in for 9 years and it's nice to see prospects of a modest profit.

glasgowboy 03 Feb 2015


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