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Maverick 13 Dec 2017

Re: Mav , you in yet? Hey Supertag,What a fool I have been! I had a note to buy these last night on the dashboard of my car...That didn't happen today!Chuffed for you though spotting these and great rise today.I guess I was still in shock with VAL.Hopefully (for me) ONL will come off a bit so I can get in.These stocks like LION etc are very volatile.Good luck!

Supertag 12 Dec 2017

Mav , you in yet? Great day with VAL!AGM on 15th to change name to Onl Blockchain , could generate some interest and you have a sub 60p entry.GLA Supertag

Supertag 08 Dec 2017

Re: Supertag..why? I have been in VAL for years so nursing heavy losses , good to see it recovering.Looked at LION @ 0.8p but didn't go for it! HNR, SDX, JAY, GAN, KIBO, are just some of my holdings.Good luck.PS in ONL @ 41.74p so happy at the moment.Supertag

Maverick 07 Dec 2017

Re: Supertag..why? Hey Supertag thanks for the reply.I was on their web page and scrolling through articles.I am pleased they are designing blockchain instead of websites!!Agree with the limited stock and wow a low of 55p and a high of 83p is a tense time for some. Timing the key, what a great buy today at 58p for someone.SO its a punt then, as it would be for me.My punts being LIONSGOLD, GGP, EVRH, VAL, BOOM, MBT, MILESTONE to name some off the top of my head. Just wasnt sure whether to add ONL.Maybe sub 60p worth a tickle.CheersMaverick

Supertag 07 Dec 2017

Re: Supertag..why? Hi Mav,I watched a presentation with the Chairman on the LSE bulletin board and the guy came across as very enthusiastic about the whole Blockchain idea and it’s possibilities of use.Thought it is worth a dabble due to the low number of shares in issue and even less in free float.Very volatile though as you will be seeing now.Supertag

Maverick 06 Dec 2017

Supertag..why? [link] enlighten me on your decision to get in, I am tempted but they seem so vague.Maverick

Supertag 07 Nov 2017

That's me in! GLA Supertag

lotuslad 28 Sep 2016

Toad plc I have 5000 odd original Toad plc shares, does anyone know how many that is in todays money?

Perle Blanche 27 Jan 2015

What's up, here?
