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14:23 22/07/2014


14:22 22/07/2014

what's the current buy price here?

12:52 22/07/2014

people are stupid selling now ..... and yet if they sold at 11.7 moments ago, and bought back in now at 11.1 ...... thats a strange kind of stupid

11:23 22/07/2014

DTM early birds?

11:23 22/07/2014

pb u no about DTM right?

11:22 22/07/2014


11:22 22/07/2014

ah very nice

11:22 22/07/2014

will get back in on dips eveentuall

11:22 22/07/2014

are you looking to get back in?

11:22 22/07/2014

sold at 1.92

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