Oilex Forum

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14:30 19/08/2014

that would do me

14:29 19/08/2014

this week i think

14:29 19/08/2014


14:28 19/08/2014

over overdue

14:28 19/08/2014

which usually means news is due

14:28 19/08/2014

seems the lse boys are getting impatient

07:26 06/08/2014

Sup 10p again, good entry point

09:56 25/07/2014

gap fillin , don't ya love it,patience will be rewarded soon enough

08:50 25/07/2014

interesting we r down here]

09:33 24/07/2014

no advice just an opinion - do your own research if you want to learn more about BCN head over to the REM board - very informative and a very good share (take a look at recent RNSs) they have a stake in BCN and the worlds largest lithium deposit

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