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14:33 19/08/2014

so the delay has caused extra sp drift

14:33 19/08/2014

bad day for caza today

14:32 19/08/2014


14:32 19/08/2014

that was much better

14:32 19/08/2014

actually, lets make it CAZA stylee

14:32 19/08/2014

i think news is over due...they were saying the ceo put a timescale on it and its gone way over...

14:32 19/08/2014

already crossing whatever i can since we are both in kea styleee

14:31 19/08/2014

awesome...lets make some money

14:31 19/08/2014

think my average is 9.15

14:30 19/08/2014

in at 9p

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