Re: 90-100p in 18 months Amazing how so little volume can have such a dramatic effect on the sp.Long long time since I was invested here, but still loving the company and prospects.It deserves to hit the £1.00p level you want.
no news is good news? What can we expect?The registered office has moved to London. £4,000,000 raised in July - but no major projects announced.CD4 CE accreditation by end of calender year.- this is not rocket science just a paper audit of systems. Presumably Omega have ISO 9008 so it's the ISO 13485 medical devices compliance that we are expecting. There is a world wide shortage of qualified auditors on top of increase regulatory requirement so this isn't likely to be an internal hold up.Allergies and IDS deal to complete this financial year! That's going to be over a year in the making. Now this seems like looney tunes who is delaying agreement and why? Is there a third party?
Final Results one month later in 2017 Last year the financial results for the ye 30th. September were issuedOn the 21st. November 2016.The 2017 results will be issued nearly a month later. This suggests that there are some causes for this slight delay in making the announcement.The recent trading statement has had very little impact on the share price which seems to move on relatively small trades. A few thousand shares maybe a £2,000 worth will move the price of a company with 130,000,000 in issue. My estimates are that the majority are closely held some 70,000,000 - 80,000,000 held by financial institutions and large shareholders. So let's look at possible reasons for the months delay.1. Finalising the IDS deal. - little immediate impact on revenue.2. CE marking of new products. The company could be waiting on Certification which may be contingent on Corrective Action Reports issued by their notified body.3. Progress on the CD4 trials.David Evans referred to matters out of the companies control. Success being dependent on one or more factors outside of the companies control.So has anyone else got any ideas on what these might be?
where's the beef- Wendy? no.2 Ok so rain in Germany meant fewer allergens triggering allergies. Hence consumption of manual tests is down.The Immuno Diagnostics tie up seems to be wading through treacle. Nearly a year on from the initial approach to buy the allergy business from Omega. Instead protracted negotiations over co operation. Another two meetings scheduled. IDS need to be able to run more tests on their equipment to improve their product offering Omega want to sell their allergy tests. No done deal as yet means potential sales for the benefit of both are not being made.CD4 crawling forward very cautiously. Let's see what the half year results bring by way of announcement. Some indication of how the diluting fund raising is paying off perhaps?
Re: where's the beef- Wendy? Today is to show they are executing on one of the reasons for the funding round.Investors paid their money, ODX has started to deliver one item. Expect the others to follow in time."1. Increase FoodPrint® traction in the USA by increasing sales and marketing resource, developing product enhancements that meet the US lab environment and investing into more automated manufacturing capacity.2. Increase the number of allergens in the Allersys product range from 41 to 100 over the next four years. Since December 2016, the Company has been seeking to agree global distribution terms with its Allersys licensor (Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings plc "IDS". The Company believes that it has made good progress and the Directors believe that once the Company gets beyond the contractual process, the sales and marketing teams of both organisations will be capable of making a success of the Company's allergy products.3. Fund certain identified investment opportunities for Allergodip which involve adding new panels and developing a mobile phone App. The enhanced product will be targeted at developing countries given its ease of use and low cost application. The Company has identified a partner company in China which believes the market size in China to be 5 million tests alone.4. Accelerate the pipeline of launching a range of Rapid Diagnostic Tests ("RDTs"
to two or three per year to include tests for Syphilis, Dengue, S.typhi, Leptospirosis and Brucella. The Company recently launched its Malaria RDTs and is confident that its Visitect CD4 test will launch in late calendar year 2017. The facility in Pune has current capacity for 6 million RDTs per annum and is only currently operating on a single shift basis."
where's the beef- Wendy? A trading statement is due about now. Shareholders have been waiting to hear the extent of progress over the relationship with Immuno Diagnostic 's and the outcome of negotiations. It's nearly a year since the approach to buy the allergy business. The price would have been not too far from the entire market capitalisation but no deal.The company raised capital and hired more staff I am looking forward to hearing more news. Today's is more like a token offering.
90-100p in 18 months Forget about 40-50p. Within 18 months if CD4 is commercialised and at a potnetial sale of 7m units (at £5 each) you are looking at a 90-100p share price even if ODX trades at sector multiples which given its gorwth rate is being conservative. This is a four to five fold play within 18-24 month time period. I am a BIG BUYER at these levels. Also this assumption does not factor in the potential growth of allergens etc!! Bring it on
Moving up, latest Finncap forecasts Good to see the share price finally ticking up on a small uptrend post-fundraising.Finncap's latest forecasts are for 1.1p EPS this year, rising to 2.1p EPS next year as some of the blue sky opportunities begin to commercialise.Their current price target is 30p.At that rate of growth it's possible to see a 40p-50p share price in 9 months to a year's time assuming successful achievement of those forecasts.
Bought back in I bought back in to these after the results having traded them profitably in the past.IMO the Food Intolerance division is worth more than the group as a whole and with the recent fundraising they have the cash they need to develop the blue sky opportunities.Sneller has called this one correctly IMO.
TARGET PRICE - Finncap target price is actually 28p, not 20p.
why haven't Finncap got a 20p target price ? Finncap do not appear to have changed their price on thisI wonder why ?
New 3-year highs today ODX has a highly profitable and growing core business supported by a number of "blue sky" opportunities which are now at or approaching commercialisation.
New web site ODX have a new web site - presumably a new broom to capitalise on the transformational developments going on at present:[link]
New report from Hardman on ODX which is free to view:[link] top of the core business earning 1p+ EPS, there are now 3 areas which could be transformational: - Allersys - CD4 - malariaI'm also extremely keen on the Food Intolerance tests - 56% of sales - which will imo bring in consistently rising sales for many years to come. This is particularly so with expansion to the USA - for example, coeliac disease awareness/testing in the USA in general is well behind that in the UK.
Finncap have 28p target price Finncap have introduced a forecast of 1.3p EPS for the current year to March'18. As I posted previously they have a 28p target price, in line with sector comparables of a FY2017 EV/Sales of 1.9 times.Encouragingly they say they expect upgrades, further to the outcome of the IDH discussions"We have excluded any revenues from our FY 2018 forecasts pending clarification of the outcome of discussions, although we expect to see upgrades during the year"They also note they expect CD4 "to be CE-marked with a launch likely in late calendar 2017", so not long to wait assuming the field trials go smoothly.