Good price rise today Good price rise today on a negative day in the market. The shares should be at least 3.20
Shareholder value It's time management took some measures to improve the share price and enhance shareholder value. This constant using surplus capital to buy shares for the staff incentive plan is more than annoying. Try improving the dividend or buying back and cancelling some shares.
Motley Fool buy Motley Fool is debating whether everyone should sell their Lloyds shares and buy Numis. Also very positive comments about Numis in all the Financial Press. Even talk of take over.A strong buy.
Re: Strange day I have held Numis for a very long time. It tends to go down on good news and will then recover and should start going up soon. It's the low volume of shares traded and the market making style, often with a large spread can cause large apparent moves in the price.It's got a great future or it will get taken over at a substantial premium. Good dividends too.
Strange day What a strange day for Numis, great results then heavy selling of their shares. I can only assume that it's the outlook, which is flat. Frankly no one can really predict the outcome and the shares are so cheap net of cash that they allow for a modest downturn. A Buy for me. I've added a few.
Results out Really excellent results out today, I think. I have a sizeable holding and will continue to add.....
And again Added today at £2.30, wish it was less but it will have to do......
And again Topped up again at £2.00, now have a decent sized holding. Yes, it'll be a bit lumpy and bumpy, but how else do you get value today?
Topped up again At £1.96.....
Topped up And topped up at £2.06....
First purchase Made a modest first purchase of these at £2.10, seem like reasonable value.....
Re: Worth a punt? The share incentive scheme has to be serviced, so it is perhaps better it is done with shares purchased back than with new equity created. At least we avoid dilution. I think it also betrays a measure of confidnce in the coming results. I agree the pressure is now on management though. Promises have been made and they must be kept.
Re: Worth a punt? The shares are held in treasury to meet staff share incentives. So not helping shareholders at all. The management certainly know how to look after themselves, including moving the dividend date into last financial year. They now need to deliver.
Re: Worth a punt? The company has now spent over £600k on share buybacks in the last month, officially a closed period. In the previous month over £200k was spent. Purchase prices varied from 202 to 207, taht is around the current ask. Given the fundamentals here I can see a 10-15% upside in the next few months. Perhaps a decent shorter term return than some? And if you get stuck with it you will just have to endure that horrible 4%+ yield!!!
Worth a punt? PER = 8PEG = 0.29Potential yield= 4.9%Negative gearing.The price iscurrently sitting just of the annuall ow.There was a positive trading update at the end of March, when it was noted that the second half results to be announced on 6 May, would be better than the first half.