Arria NLG

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Webber Span 04 Aug 2015

Re: CATCH A FALLING STAR! This is more like a rising star in the depressed oil and metal market.. The technology is mind blowing, never know where this will go.GLA

alltold9 03 Jun 2015


Flinny 03 Jun 2015

Re: CATCH A FALLING STAR! Yes bought in at 7, watched it hit 3 and thought about topping up. Monday good rise even better on Tuesday and today WOW. Wish I'd have bought more now however I'm now up and should not be too greedy. Let's hope that they establish more long term contracts and turn this company around to the highs it used to be. Well done to all who hung on in there.

old_punter 03 Jun 2015

Re: CATCH A FALLING STAR! Well done, you were right, I saw it was a binary bet with the odds on some sort of highly dilutive rescue perhaps you knew more. Anyway, phew it looks as if its going to survive. Having got this near to going down the tubes lets hope the management will manage more cannily from here.

alltold9 03 Jun 2015

Re: CATCH A FALLING STAR! The RNS spells out nicely why the buy recommendation 'old_punter' now my funds are replenished 'MTFB' is my new star!

old_punter 03 May 2015

Re: CATCH A FALLING STAR! Any reasons for your buy recommendation, I wonder, the investors who subscribed for more shares earlier this year at 35p must be cross and the accounts to Sept. 2014 do not impress.Looks as if the mugs like me who bought in the excitement around the IPO over a quid are going to be diluted out of sight assuming investors can be found to stump up again. I think I will wait to see if they are going to be rescued, I think they will be but at what price, and what the story is then before buying.Of course you might be right to buy now but rather too much of a gamble for me.

alltold9 30 Apr 2015

CATCH A FALLING STAR! Put it in your pocket save it for a rainy day.
