30 Dec 2014 09:13
Price at rating: 0.16, now: 
New World oil Gas (NEW) projects in Denmark worth around $2.4bn – Danica Resources and Danica Jutland – have been completely overshadowed.
It currently has 25 per cent of Danica Jutland.
The proven and probable recoverable resource figure (based on an 80 per cent working interest) is around half a trillion cubic feet of gas and 48million barrels of oil from the Jensen, Harboe and Jelling prospects with a net present value of $1.2billion.
Danica Resources, meanwhile, has 12 prospects and 13 leads.
The most promising, 'drillable prospect' is Als, which has a P50 reserve estimate of 1.4trillion cubic feet of gas and 97million barrels of oil, or 330.5mln barrels of oil equivalent, worth around $2.4bn.
Lolland and Falster – Lolland is twice the size of Als,'. 'So there is still plenty of work to do, plenty going on. It is quite an inventory.'
If Denmark is positive then the share price should be poised for substantial growth. And the advantage for investors is that, assuming the company commits to very regular news flow, we should see the value build in process.
But consider this. If the company does find one 25million barrel oil resource in Denmark the value creation will be immediate and substantial. Ascribing a cautious nominal in- situ value of $10 per barrel would create a resource worth some $250million or around £160million. With the current 709 million shares in issue that would equate to approximately £0.25 per share (compared to the current share price of 0.03p). If we were to apply current world oil prices, which ultimate production would command, then you would need to multiply all these figures by a factor of 10! Either way it’s not bad for starters - and it should also be kept firmly in mind that they are not looking to make just the one discovery!
The question then becomes a personal one for each investor; whether to enter at the beginning, when the share price and market cap are extremely low, or wait for more assurance accepting the likely materially higher prices and competing investor demand that should accompany solid positive news.
The first half saw it re-negotiate and extend its work programme deadlines in the firm's three Danish licences, allowing additional time to negotiate farm-out agreements.
"Over the past 6 months, they have met with and discussed the projects with a number of potentially interested parties, and we continue to do so.
"In Belize, where they currently hold a 100% working interest in the Blue Creek Project, the deadline for the expiration of our Production Sharing Agreement has been extended to October 2015.
"With thier local partners, Blue Creek Exploration Ltd, they continue to seek out and discuss possible farm-out partnerships. In addition, they have attended industry conferences in both America and in Europe, in a continuing effort to find partners.
"Finally, they have contracted a reputable search firm to assist in the farm-out process," which now looks to be bearing fruit and we expect an update in this regard anyday now.
Score: 88.75