Re: Takeover? Nanoco's management have steered us through a minefield of pitfalls in a highly competent manner, to the point where serious long term rewards are within the company's grasp. The thought of giving these away for £1.50 is very depressing -- I would much prefer they leveraged their position to the point where they were thinking of taking out one of their rivals, or a company up or down the supply chain rather than selling out for a quick and trivial profit. But then I have my old age to think of!
Re: 3D TV? NANO are involved in 8k ybhere. Not necessarily on the chain you have highlighted.AUO is the only company ready to mass produce 8k panels. Samsung and Sony showed 8k sets at CES. A couple of far eastern industry Websites reported that both TVs used the AUO 8k panel with Nanoco dots. Samsung are planning to launch theirs in Q3 this year.I don't have the URLs I'm afraid. They are somewhere lost in the history on LSE.Sony's TV made quite an impression on the guy from Forbes...[link]
3D TV? A possible connection, but pure guesswork, the development of 8K TV, the next generation of TV screens. Are NANO involved in the next generation 8K TV?An Investment Company, Primorus, invested in Stream TV Networks on the 12th January. Primorus Investments plc (AIM: PRIM, NEX: PRIM) is pleased to report that Stream TV Networks ("Stream TV" have entered into a partnership to develop 8K screens with a large Chinese screen manufacturer, BOE Technology ("BOE"
. In 2017 Primorus invested US$200,000 in Stream TV on a fully-diluted valuation of US$336m.Stream TV and BOE have announced their joint cooperation to combine the high-resolution panels of BOE with Stream TV's Glasses-Free 3D technology. With panel sizes ranging from mobile phones to PC monitors to large screen televisions, the project will enable development of devices across the entire consumer electronics industry."4K TVs and PC monitors are obsolete now that 8K panels have arrived," said Mathu Rajan, CEO of Stream TV.As I said, 8K TV may have nothing to do with the rise in SP of NANO, but, either way, I've taken a small punt on NANO. YB
Re: Takeover? No one doubts the brilliance of this company's boffins. The thing is boffins seldom make great inspirational company leaders and the admin tends to bore them. They'd be able to focus on inventing as part of a bigger company structure. My hunch is something is going on behind the scenes here.
Re: Takeover? With a current market cap of under £76mill it would be little more than petty cash - but any moot would send the share price soaring. Remember this has been £1.90 several years ago albeit when there were about 25 percent less shares around. Presumably the real diamond for a major would be the patents. I would accept £1.50 right now if anyone is interested.
Takeover? I can't believe this dramatic resurgence in the share price is simply based on the announcement. I've long believed one of the majors would sooner or later take this company over rather than have it as a supplier and potentially supplying to rivals.
Realistic SP prediction Would be good to see 50p today Alltold but unlikely imo without news or at least a leak.May just get there by Friday though!!
Re: shorts reducing City waking up to the massive upside and potential. Could we rest 50p today?
Re: shorts reducing Helpful... will add to the upward pressure on the NANO share price as business expands, as I am sure it will do when the new "standard" of 4K TVs with nano-dot colour, streaming and gaming capabilities start shipping this year.
Re: shorts reducing This site shows all shorts including those below 0.5%[link]
shorts reducing JP Morgan reduced their short position to 0.26% on 8/2/2018.[link] notified short position now down to 2.37%
Re: APPLE WOULD BE ICING ON THE CAKE! Oh god that's good, thanks. I feel like the proverbial junkie who's just had their fix.
Re: APPLE WOULD BE ICING ON THE CAKE! Sorry I never mean't to let you down. That's better
Re: APPLE WOULD BE ICING ON THE CAKE! Alltold - where is the price chart? i'm sure i speak for all on this board as feeling bereft without your pasting skills
Re: APPLE WOULD BE ICING ON THE CAKE! Don't, please don't....but yes please, I'll have a slice of that