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15:33 12/09/2014

wake me up when it gets to 0.03 again - although by the time that takes i may not still be on this mortal coil

15:20 12/09/2014

amazing how everyone seems to have bought at the all time low price!!! #bustedflush

15:18 12/09/2014

#deluded #bustedflush

15:18 12/09/2014

haha the share price gets to 0.0145 and everyones getting excited - mugs!!! dont they realise it has dropped from 0.033 in 6 months - that is over 60% and they are creaming over a 3% rise from all time lows

14:52 12/09/2014


14:51 12/09/2014

fools being suckered in again - mark my words

14:41 12/09/2014

no activity on the trades board for over half and hour now!! perhaps people can see what is going on afterall

14:39 12/09/2014

another down day on monday i fear

14:17 12/09/2014

this will never ever get above 0.02 again - its just bergans money making machine now

14:17 12/09/2014

people getting suckered in again - why wont they learn - this will be taken higher to let bergan sell more and then dropped - wake up people and smell the coffee

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