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15:59 12/09/2014

mad to even think about topping up - unless you are daytrading

15:57 12/09/2014


15:57 12/09/2014


15:54 12/09/2014


15:54 12/09/2014

its old tech that doesnt work yet

15:53 12/09/2014

answer : NOTHING........noone is interested

15:53 12/09/2014

ill give you a clue! try searching for MTV on the live webcast site and see what comes up

15:51 12/09/2014

is mtv going to be mentioned on the live stream!!!! hahahahahahaha - what a joke!!!!! #deluded

15:48 12/09/2014

oh dear those that are topping up are playing right into the hands of bergan who are dumping their shares onto them at an inflated price - suckers

15:40 12/09/2014

ha that rise didnt last long - just enough time for bergan to make their weekly target i guess - -- - Suckers rally

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