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16:17 12/09/2014


16:17 12/09/2014


16:17 12/09/2014


16:17 12/09/2014

unless shortly means withing a decade

16:16 12/09/2014


16:16 12/09/2014

HA HA 105 DAYS AGO THIS WAS ANNOUNCED........“The Motive team is excited that testing is underway and that the expected launch of this innovative product in the UK will take place shortly."

16:15 12/09/2014


16:15 12/09/2014

and we know what happened to them

16:15 12/09/2014

i expect a massive decline on monday - we could even see that 0.013 barrier crashed through - this share reminds me so much of hibu

16:00 12/09/2014

when will everyone realise - NOBODY WANTS OR IS INTERESTED IN MTV HAVE, or at least think they have (nothing as yet by the way)#

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