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16:26 12/09/2014

about to finish down for the day for the 6th or 7th day on the run

16:26 12/09/2014

HA HA 105 DAYS AGO THIS WAS ANNOUNCED........“The Motive team is excited that testing is underway and that the expected launch of this innovative product in the UK will take place shortly." may as well make that 108 days for all intents and purpose

16:25 12/09/2014

ha ha what a pile of poop!!! dont bother watching ! #bustedflush

16:19 12/09/2014

what about the investors bod?

16:19 12/09/2014

who have a cheek to keep paying themselves

16:18 12/09/2014

dreadful performance from the bod

16:18 12/09/2014


16:18 12/09/2014

no wonder the share price has crashed

16:17 12/09/2014

105 days for gawd sake!!!!!! suckered in again

16:17 12/09/2014

bod out

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