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12:07 15/09/2014

the award - WHO CARES!!!! certainly not the market

11:38 15/09/2014

all gone quiet on here, am i the only one posting?? where are you secret??

11:31 15/09/2014

just shows the award means very little - not significant enough for an rns - so not worth mentioning it then!!!! #bustedflush

11:28 15/09/2014

no activity to move the sp for over an hour - looks like noone is interested - need buys to allow seller to dump more stock!!!

10:49 15/09/2014

#bustedflush not even a paid to enter award could move this!!

09:40 15/09/2014

ask yourself why the spread is so huge - is it to put off buyers to keep the sp low so someone can convert at a lower price by chance??

16:30 12/09/2014

anyone see the mtv mention on the stream? no nor me - wanna know why - BECAUSE NOBODY IS INTERESTED IN MTV

16:28 12/09/2014

yep finished down again

16:27 12/09/2014

whenever the company makes an announcement in relation to a deal or agreement in place, they never associate any figures with the news in terms of revenue perspective - ask yourselves WHY?

16:26 12/09/2014


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