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11:48 16/09/2014

my honest advise - be very careful of false rises that enables sellers to dump shares at a higher price....

11:47 16/09/2014

ha ha - last chance to get in before the rise - should read last chance to get in to lose money-------wait for the dumping of shares by bergan into any rise

11:37 16/09/2014

SECRET are you around today - got more news i want to share with you

11:37 16/09/2014


11:36 16/09/2014


11:36 16/09/2014

and with all this good news floating about....

11:36 16/09/2014

8th day in a row for this share to go down!

11:35 16/09/2014

hahaha now showing another drop today -1.38% you just couldnt make it up could you?

11:34 16/09/2014

who currently control where this share price is going imho

11:34 16/09/2014

oh and not forgetting the puppetmasters bergan

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