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09:41 18/09/2014

and here it is share price for the day -1.38%

09:40 18/09/2014

"team ramp" haha heard it all now -suckers!!! mini pump and dump to allow more shares to be dumped onto unsuspecting p.i.'s - #bustedflush#

09:39 18/09/2014

people initially saw the rns as positive, as was hoped for imho, however once the non news had been digested it became aware that the rns was indeed negative, as you can see from the share price movement this morning - no major buying, only dumping of shares by our big seller

09:37 18/09/2014

this will drift from now to xmas in my opinion......hope i am wrong for your sakes....however it will crash if there is anymore dilution, or these promised timescales are missed yet again.....the rns today imho was negative.....delays delays delays.....the market apparently agrees with me

09:35 18/09/2014

an rns issued imho following pressure from bergen to get some positive news out to let them dump more shares.........

08:43 18/09/2014

shocking market manipulation........

16:25 17/09/2014

The whole industry knows what they are developing and no one from the Media, City or TV industry is the least bit interested. Hence the share price.

16:24 17/09/2014

marl help me out here - your one of the ones that speaks sense

16:23 17/09/2014

"here come the buyers" as the shareprice falls - you just couldnt make it up!!

16:22 17/09/2014

the utter ignorance of some of the investors here is unbelievable - some people deserve to lose money - incompetent beyond belief

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