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13:30 18/09/2014

hahaha ----- #bustedflush

13:30 18/09/2014


13:30 18/09/2014

Wow Wow Wow 150,000,000 shares DUMPED by a big seller today......thats right OVER 150 MILLION

13:00 18/09/2014


12:23 18/09/2014

this share will only ever lose you money - fact.......imho dyor

12:22 18/09/2014


12:22 18/09/2014

when will people realise - no one is interested in this tech - and no one wants to buy in to it as they know the public will not Buy the product - there are already loads of dongles on the market that will do what the MTV dongle will do - how many people do you know that have bought one? no me either - ask yourself why there is no interest in this tech - its because nobody wants or needs it!!! simples

12:17 18/09/2014

with the amount they are DUMPING im positive that bergen will be back for some more shortly

12:17 18/09/2014

cant believe there is any positivity left in this share from p.i.'s #deluded if they think they are going to make money here!#

12:16 18/09/2014

and the latest 10 million sell brings us back to where we started before this mornings rns --- you just couldnt make it up #bustedflush

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