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09:33 19/09/2014

how can we be undervalued - the market dictates the value, and it values us at 0.015p per share!! talk of being undervalued etc etc lost a lot of people a lot of money, because they become blinkered in the belief that things will get better - this share is a binary bet -they will succeed or they will fail - do you think they will suceed if so bet yes and buy in - if you think they will fail either dont buy in or sell what you have - its that simple

14:51 18/09/2014

sell sell sell, come on i want to buy at 0.0125

14:51 18/09/2014

amazing that we are closer to 0.0125 than we are to 0.018 haha..... #bustedflush

14:29 18/09/2014

aproaching 200 Million dumped today

14:29 18/09/2014

if i was bergan i would be selling also, and trying to get to break even asap......... they know this is a pile of poo and want out as quick as possible - not here for mega riches - just for an easy profit......its the name of the game when your dealing in them sorts of quantities

14:27 18/09/2014

ha ha arguing over whether bergan have been dumping.......durrrr check out the share price...... its not where it is because people are buying!!!!!! lol...... #bustedflush

13:32 18/09/2014

anyone buying.....snigger snigger

13:31 18/09/2014

0.0125 here we come

13:31 18/09/2014

going down big style me thinks

13:31 18/09/2014


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