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11:05 22/09/2014

oh dear 0.014 to sell #bustedflush

10:56 22/09/2014

currently 6% down on my screen#

10:56 22/09/2014

bod credibility is zero, too many milestones missed! cant see this ever going anywhere - certainly not where most on here expect it to rise to - imho i cant ever see it holding above 0.02 - there has been too much dilution, and the power to control the price has been given over to bergan and the like - remember they are not waiting it to multi bag like the rest of the holders here - they only want 10-20% and will keep raising and dropping the price to achieve this margin for themselves .... think about it

10:55 22/09/2014

looks like another week of losses for those in........ depreciating share price - where will it end up - my thoughts all along would be that this will end up at 0.0125

10:55 22/09/2014

this will now stay in the range 0.0125 - 0.0175 for the foreseeable

10:55 22/09/2014

slowly and steady down we go

10:54 22/09/2014


10:54 22/09/2014


10:54 22/09/2014


10:54 22/09/2014


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