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09:49 23/09/2014

and down she goes......... 0.0125 is defo coming imho

13:16 22/09/2014

are you around secret?

12:24 22/09/2014

not bad only showing this has collapsed by 5% today

12:09 22/09/2014

i did a lot of research on it over the weekend two weeks ago and is paying dividends for me

12:08 22/09/2014

i had a tip for you over a week ago - where did you go?

12:08 22/09/2014

hey secret - long time no speak

12:08 22/09/2014

wonder who the seller could

12:07 22/09/2014

must be a massive seller in the background dumping these - not shown yet - mms must be working through an order

11:58 22/09/2014

but a gamble i am ready to take - if only will a small amount of money

11:58 22/09/2014

that is why i think buying in at 0.0125 is still a gamble in this casino we call AIM

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