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12:53 24/09/2014

thought it may have started to rise by now - given the imminent news about to be released

12:52 24/09/2014

doesnt look good here does it?

12:52 24/09/2014

Only joking mate! no offence

12:52 24/09/2014

hahaha OWNED!

12:51 24/09/2014

dont eat yellow snow you muppet!!

12:51 24/09/2014

still may be usefull for you though

12:51 24/09/2014

been waiting to give you that tip for a couple of weeks now

12:50 24/09/2014

hey secret where you been man?

12:50 24/09/2014

oh dear 5% down now - and the rampers telling you that there have been mostly buys today... hahaha - must be a couple of massive dumps then...... #bustedflush

12:19 24/09/2014

rns has been taken by the market as a non event - luckily for now they didnt find it too negative - that will come - wait for when the court case is settled, which is due very soon - this will tank - hopefully not too much lower than where i intend to buy - 0.0125

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