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13:00 24/09/2014

if i can get my buy in price here and then double up by next year end i may consider a punt into xel - they may just be about to take off by then

12:58 24/09/2014

5% down after an day in which an rns was released - an rns that many thought was positive - not me nor the market did by the looks of things

12:58 24/09/2014

with every day that goes by we are inching closer to that buy in price for me!

12:56 24/09/2014

i will be looking to buy at around 0.0125 - bergans price at present - hopefully within 12 months i should be able to double my initial outlay - but just waiting for that 0.0125 price

12:55 24/09/2014

to make money here you have to hope the product is launched before the court case is settled

12:55 24/09/2014

which will keep the sp in a lower range than we are in at the moment

12:55 24/09/2014

giving bergan more chance to aquire more shares at a lower price

12:54 24/09/2014

just got to get over the court case first - that may decimate the price in the short term

12:54 24/09/2014

i think it will be next year realistically that the product will be launched and then at least 6 months for revenue to pick up

12:53 24/09/2014

wonder why?

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