ho hum - dumperty dump dump - told you so!
another day another drop in share price - when and where will it end
cant buy more than 7 milllion --- lol who you trying to kid - bergan will sell you as many as you want #deluded
mmm the expected rally didnt really materialise at 2.30 now did it - #playedlikeafiddle
not bad though only showing -2% on my screen for the day - nothing really to get excited about is it?
wow there is so much blind enthusiasm about regarding this share - it will all end in tears - mark my words ---- running out of money quickly is my guess - which brings on further dilution to an already over diluted company --- hope they release something soon, if it goes over into next year this will tank even further than 0.0125
lots of people on LSE getting excited - dont they realise yet this is a regular p&d daily excercise that allows for millions to get sold to unsuspecting pi's
can read it like a book - there is no great appetite here for any decent buying.... especially knowing what we all know
lots taking advantage of the 0.0157 to sell!!!! down it goes.....
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