omg - look at all those mates rates people buying in after the rns - lol - pathetic, they are obviously missing from my screen - just what is the final sp btw .... oh yes 4% down - market says that there is NO RNS lodged to come out in the morning
commence countdown????? commence drop down of the share price more likely!!! haha #deluded
the bull thinks this will drop again tomorrow - 0.0125 is definately on its way
when it does, remember to tell them who told you so...... the bull never lies....
SP will be down again tomorrow imho - that price of 0.0125 is coming and its coming this week - i can feel it
haha now they think we have an rns lodged for the morning - cant the fools see the sp is 8% down on the day......unbelievable!! words fail me at times
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