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19:23 20/12/2014

Short and very sweet

19:22 20/12/2014

not long now

19:21 20/12/2014

Now we should be doing our bit and posting it all over facebook and Twitter ever shareholder on here should do the bit and look after there investment now get posting

08:39 20/12/2014

Bergan was/is a nightmare death spiral deal

08:38 20/12/2014

When will this ever rise? 2014 has been a disaster for the share price and the blame for that lies squarely with the bod

21:06 18/12/2014

Guys I have in in apps put in search tablettv Nothing else and it will come up not long now

06:55 18/12/2014

Just been billed for my tablettv over night so it's got to be on the way no more hospital cost ripping us off for tv can not wait bring it on not long now

20:08 17/12/2014

Not long now going to be very very big not long now

08:59 17/12/2014

Worst investment.......EVER

08:58 17/12/2014

Shambles of a company with a product no one wants!

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