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12:23 05/01/2015

Who are sic and the other one on the tablettv app page is this new bussiness for us fingers crossed looking good 20p a share soon

12:21 05/01/2015

My unit has paid for itself with my partner being in hospital for a week no more being ripped off by the hospital for tv one great investment

17:09 03/01/2015

When Mtv get going you will find out mtv will do a buy back with all that spare cash not long now

08:54 03/01/2015

Diluted into oblivion - doesn't matter how good the tech is and I believe it's outdated and unwanted - dilution will kill this company- just pity the long termers here who have lost a fortune - they are the ones this company has let down badly the ones that funded them in the early days! Why would anyone bother with aim when all they do is cost you money - no point in investing in aim I guess

21:42 02/01/2015

All you lot who have brought the dongles should put your experance ,s about it on facebook tablettv uk. So others can read about who may be intresed in this product as I have done being a share holder now come on let's start putting it about as we have them keith

13:10 02/01/2015

I think in the long term Mtv will do a buy back to many big boys involed with this share when they rack in the money the buy back will begin watch this space not long now

09:39 02/01/2015

cr@p tech, cr@p share price, cr@p bod, diluted into oblivion

09:36 02/01/2015

As so the Bergan death spiral continues

20:30 01/01/2015

Hi guys my partner is in hospital and this dongle works brill my partner can kiss goodbye to ten pound per day tv in the robbing hospitals this is going to make a killing for Mtv plus all the add on long live mtv not long now in a week of care this has paid for itself what a investment

15:14 31/12/2014

Share price for 2015 in twelve months from now 1.99p. Per share boooom

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