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08:18 10/02/2015

Has this ever gone up over a full week?

08:18 10/02/2015

When I next log into this board I expect to see Mtv in receivership

08:17 10/02/2015

Wow - just shocking, who would buy this load of carp

19:57 09/02/2015

Ps all that seen tablettv in the hospital was very very impressed by it and that's a great sign long live tablettv not long now

19:23 09/02/2015

My partner has been in hospital for a good week were she has had tablettv and to day she told me she had patents and familys, asking her were she got it from and who made it we have had this unit and now paid for itself on cost of tv in hospitals long live tablettv not long now

22:38 08/02/2015

Mould you are dead wood talking like that fool

22:37 08/02/2015

This company needs a share buy back on a fool would go for consolidation idots

17:53 04/02/2015

My money is on vodaphone as they are linked with a takeover of sky some time this year watch this space but all great news boooooooom

17:51 04/02/2015

It's boom time boys buy buy buy get your hands on as much as you can boooooooooom

08:40 04/02/2015


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