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14:12 12/05/2015

Hi hi captain pug wash 2p party my lads

14:11 12/05/2015

Here,s to the 2p party not being greedy but defo not long now sky,s the limit or the ocean sea,s are

14:22 11/05/2015

Massive contract out tomorrow morning this is going to be Hugh Boyd

13:12 10/05/2015

Massive rns in morning with the po group. Ground breaking news get ready for it 3p a share

20:12 07/05/2015

The four p party soon not long now. Boyd big thing

17:59 07/05/2015

I can see the massive wave coming in now not long now or was it a wet dream

16:27 07/05/2015

Massive rns due in morning game change not long now

21:33 03/05/2015

Hi guys if mtv were sold out for $27 million dollars how much a share would that work out as can a body help

15:30 01/05/2015

Hugh buy must be coming in very soon get ready for it and a massive rns for Monday not long now green seeds a head

14:23 01/05/2015

Ready to sell out to Apple boom time on its way not long now boooom

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