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19:20 15/05/2015

3p party with Boyd going to be a massive hit

16:20 15/05/2015

2p party on its way next week something big on it,s way in from the sea

08:25 15/05/2015

Hi guys you lot should be emailing all the big aircraft company's about Boyd. Easy jets of the world be Emirates Fastjet so on and start pushing this great product and motives name if the cruise liners want it so must long haul as well and why we are the leaders of the pack we should all be pushing this as investors and we are only here to make our wave bigger got to go to sleep now been on nights so get the word out to these,s guys come let's start to push get emailing this out

17:11 14/05/2015

2p party very very soon and a great blue day needs loads more not long now

10:47 14/05/2015

2p party on its way Mr pug wash not long now to were on the high sea,s

19:16 13/05/2015

Are we haveing a carnival next who will be the next big name Boyd not long now 2p party very very soon

18:48 13/05/2015

My money is on the po fleet 2p party very very soon easy money

16:41 13/05/2015

2p party coming in at the next sea port not long now

09:36 13/05/2015

2p party coming very very soon

20:19 12/05/2015

2p party coming very soon going to be very very very big

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