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Bonker 31 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Nice to see Sprott Global taking more than double their minimum commitment in the 2.8p placing today - bring on the latest copper drill/assay news …

Bonker 27 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Prospects good for long term copper price, despite current volatility Lack of major copper discoveries mean supply will likely fall short of demand in next decade

Bonker 26 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins the Guardian – 26 Aug 18 Electric cars exceed 1m in Europe as sales soar by more than 40% Milestone reached nearly a year after China but ahead of the US

Bonker 26 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Julian Hanna (MOD MD) presenting at another show on Thursday 30th August - a decent chance they’ll be dropping the latest drill/assay news ahead of then - keep em peeled. Blog & Chart(s): [link]

Bonker 26 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins A couple of interesting reads on Botswana mining/sub-saharan Africa money influx: [link] The World is Coming to Sub-Saharan Africa. Where is the United States? Download the Brief The Issue Sub-Saharan Africa’s foreign counterparts are forging closer partnerships with the region because they see new openings for trade and investment, as well as growing threats from terrorism, criminality, epidemics, and...

Bonker 24 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Better drop me an email mate - info@

holland44 24 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Here’s hoping we aren’t going to see a repeat of the SP behaviour before the previous show: a short-term rise to 3.1p and even 3.4p in the two weeks before the announcement and presentation, followed by a placing by MTR at 2.8p, and a 20-25% collapse in the SP back to today’s c. 2.4p, a price first seen all the way back in March 2016. Bonker: I’m unable to access your website. I keep getting a “site can’t be reached” message. It’s not my Chrome browser or my device - the same thing happens with Edge and IE and on my desktop PC and mobile. Any idea why?

Bonker 24 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Topped-up again today - MOD MD Julian Hanna presenting at another show next week, I’m hoping/expecing over due Copper drill/assay news to drop before that show like the last one a few weeks ago - Sunday night again??

Bonker 12 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Blog & chart updated: [link]

Bonker 09 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins See what happens - I need to see further corroborating moves for those big SP shouts of course but at mid 2s, under the new placing price at 2.80p and in the midst of heavy and sustained news flow I think everyone should be looking at this right now. Copper @ $2.80 - I liked $2.7 as the retrace/bottom shout from as long back as February and so far, so good. Huge leverage on the T3 NPV as Copper rises of course.

great_forest 09 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Thank you Bonker always appreciate your input and hard work, I guess the markets are irrational like the people that participate. It’s just a shame that some pros have no conscious (well they say it was the psychopath bankers who crashed the country). Hopefully Patience and Persistence will win. Thank you for sticking up for the small guy!

Bonker 09 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins I’m weighing up 11/20p here guys - the City boys are all over her now and that’s always a good sign - just keep buying/adding as and when you can because mid 2s is a real gift.

Bonker 08 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins BTFD!

Bonker 07 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Some thumping trades grouped together late on suggesting they were indeed sold to fund 2.80p placing committments. Tomorrow is another day and I’m far from convinced this will close the week below the Chairman’s very recent £90k buy at 3.0p. More drill/assay news on A4 Dome and/or A1 Dome could drop anytime …

Bonker 07 Aug 2018

MTR A4 Dome Copper assays are in and look fantastic - 52m @ 1.5%, 15.5m @ 2.9%, up to 15.4% in veins Some very moneyed individuals took large amounts of the 2.80p share placing but expected a pump on the assay news BEFORE the placing news dropped, like they always get at the other corrupt BOD AIM shares to allow them to forward-sell but the MTR BOD are straight-shooters so they’ve over-committed to the placing and now can’t pay for it without selling some of the shares they’ve over-committed to at 2.85p but this will only last another day or so then they have to settle their accounts … Once they’ve settled their accounts and the next assayed hole news drops on A4 Dome (within a fortnight imo), confirming a sizeable new Copper resource, the project value will likely double and this will fly. Then there’s the other SIX domes they’re drilling right now to add on top of that. The lse site have blocked FIVE price-sensitive RNS releases from being show on their site in the past fortnight to facilitate the loading up by these millionaire guys and to stop PIs from buying - it doesn’t get any more bullish than that … BAGS from here imo …

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