Holding RNS I think whoever designed these holdings notification forms needs shooting. That aside it looks like Aviva and co have topped up by another 2.3m shares? Didn't do the SP any good. Woefully lacking any commercial news hence the drift downwards.
Re: Motif bio All raised by close of business same day .. 30 p .. 11% discount .Not underwritten accelerated book build.
Re: Motif bio My instinct to slice Thursday was correct placing RNS Friday 7 am . My limit of 43p being to greedy .Good posts thanks....(. Baker 2005 & penhome Friday 3rd June )
Re: Placing successful Fully funded trails and commercialisation, strong technical potential for the drug itselfWill be going in monday, especially in case of any further dips, but if not - further reason to buy in as can't be many more surprises left in store.
Placing successful Success!66,666,667 new shares with new and existing investors at a price of 30 pence per Placing Share raising a total of GBP20.0 million (US$25.8 million).So my earlier calculation was in the right ballpark. Fully diluted value is around 28-29p mark.Let's see what Monday brings. Given that the price today didn't drop below 32, my feeling is that we will be positive on Monday because we are now funded. If so, I will be checking the chart for a suitable re-entry point for my trading block.
Placing, dilution and chart This closed yesterday at 38p with 196.2m shares in issue giving a market cap of £74.56m.With the RNS today, the Mk Cap has dropped to £62.7m with 196.2m shares in issue.Trying to get a handle on dilution, if the £19.4 placing is done at 30p/share for example, this will equate to another 64.67m shares in issue giving a total of 260.87m shares. Dividing this into yesterday's pre-RNS Mk Cap gives a share price of around 28.5pIn my experience, dilution tends to occur on news of a placing and not when the shares are admitted. Hence the drop from 38 yesterday to 32ish today. Why not 28.5p? In my view, because if the placing is successful they can complete the REVIVE-2 study so the funding pressure is off the moment. The big question is: can they complete the placing? If not then back to the 20s.Here's the updated chart which isn't much changed from when I last posted it here.[link]
Re: Fund raise the book build closes at 1pm today. Given that the RNS only came out this morning, it implies much of the investor book was already known..."The Bookbuild is expected to close at or before 10 p.m. today, 2 June 2017. It is intended that the Company, Peel Hunt and Northland will then establish a single price per Placing Share payable to Peel Hunt and Northland by all Placees whose bids are successful (the "Placing Price"
and the number of Placing Shares that are to be issued through the Placing. If they do, the Company, Peel Hunt and Northland will release an announcement through the Regulatory News Service stating the Placing Price and the number of Placing Shares to be issued under the Placing. If the Company, Peel Hunt and Northland do not reach agreement on the Placing Price or the number of Placing Shares, the Placing will not proceed. "If you get more info let me know, but this appears to be a closed offering, not open to PI's
Re: Fund raise Agreed, but seen conflicting news coverage re whether the new shares will be offered to the public / private investors or not...Technically speaking, their trials are very well designed (which is rare these days), so have faith in the higher success rate vs vancomycin. Thanks for bearing with me
Re: Fund raise well given that shares are not being offered to the public, you should wait until after the new shares are listed. That will cause a dilution to the shares in issue and share price fall - in theory by the diluted percentage.Once listed, it might be a good time to buy if you think the prospects are good re the Revive 2 trial.
Re: Fund raise Fair - what I was looking for are opinions on the SP trajectory given details of the capital raise - looking to time my buy-in.
Re: Fund raise you can read the RNS on the Motif site or III news page. Don't be lazy.
Re: Fund raise Do we have any more detail on the issuance? This has been on my radar for a while as I was following the trials before buying in, resisted the temptation the last two days... need to time my entry.
Fund raise So there we go. As I cautioned recently, a £19.4m fund raise by placing of new shares with none being offered to the general public (which I take to mean existing private investors). At the current price this adds around 58m shares to the shares in issue, another large dilution once they start trading after 23rd.
Re: Motif bio Good rise today up 10% @ 40p ... ( Aggro setting D )
some interesting history I was unaware that Iclaprim was developed by another company Arpida ( now defunct) and failed to get approval through the phase III trials back in 2008. [link] hope they designed the new trials better. But it goes to show how the FDA approval is make or break for biotechs.