Medusa Mining Live Discussion

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Peter the Red 13 Aug 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.705 (42p) Latest price - Aus$0.705 (42p)

Peter the Red 06 Aug 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.720 (42p) Latest price - Aus$0.720 (42p)

Peter the Red 06 Aug 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.705 (41p) "Thanks Peter. Quite painful this share isn't it. Back burner for several more years I think! Cheers DD"Yes DD, painful indeed - but the price has more than doubled since the low point of Aus$0.330, last December .

kebabforme 05 Aug 2016

Re: MML in a Sipp Many thanks to Peter and NewPygar. Will follow up on this. My stake was modest but every stake counts doesn't it. Much appreciated.

NewPygar 05 Aug 2016

Re: MML in a Sipp I have Medusa in my SIPP with TD Direct. They are easily traded online when the Australian marked is open (during our night time) or you cam leave an order.

Peter the Red 04 Aug 2016

Re: MML in a Sipp Hi kebabforme,I have a Sipp with Hargreaves Lansdown - which does NOT contain any MML shares.However, I also have a Fund & share Account with Hargreaves Lansdown - which DOES contain MML shares, which I bought through HL before MML de-listed in London. I have not traded these shares since the de-listing, but they are shown on my account listing, with the current Aus$ price converted to £. I understand that I can trade the MML shares via a phone call to HL (who have an arrangement with an Australian broker) - although I can't trade using the HL internet trading system (as used for London listed shares).I see no reason why you can't transfer your Sipp to HL, and trade MML as described above.

kebabforme 03 Aug 2016

MML in a Sipp Hi guys, was wondering if anyone knows about any possibility of transferring shares held here in London over to the Aus exchanges where it's traded now? I bought these approx 5 years ago for a Sipp I took out. I know they stopped trading here in the UK and am wondering what I should do with my (ex) holdings. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

DubaiDiamond 31 Jul 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.705 (41p) Thanks Peter. Quite painful this share isn't it. Back burner for several more years I think! Cheers DD

Peter the Red 30 Jul 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.705 (41p) Latest price - Aus$0.705 (41p)

Peter the Red 23 Jul 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.740 (42p) Latest price - Aus$0.740 (42p)

DubaiDiamond 19 Jul 2016

Re: Chance to interrogate MML Thanks for this heads-up PB, I will aim to be there in September. I retain a fair chunk in MML so I'm interested in their progress, which I try and follow through various sources. It's in my diary! Cheers DD

loadsadough 19 Jul 2016

Peter Hepburn Brown Hes is now appointment of Australian company KRS. Peter Gordon Hepburn-Brown, B.App Sc (Mining Engineering), Grad Dip HR, serves as a Technical Consultant of Morning Star Gold NL. Mr. Hepburn-Brown served as Technical Director of Kasbah Resources Ltd. He has over 35 years mining experience including senior management and Board positions. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of Medusa Mining Limited until September 1, 2014. He served as Technical Director of Morning Star Gold NL. He served as Executive Director ......................................................................................................................................................................Keras Resources plc / Index: AIM / Epic: KRS / Sector: Mining28 June 2016Keras Resources plc ('Keras' or 'the Company' or 'the Group')Interim Results Keras Resources plc, the Australian gold mining company, is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 31 March 2016. Highlights: · Rapid transformation into an Australian based gold miner with first cash payment received post period end · Targeting production of 30,000 ounces of gold per annum from mid-2017 · Acquisition of four tribute agreements in total, of which three were secured during the period, bringing total tribute gold inventory to over 500,000 ounces · Board bolstered through appointment of Peter Hepburn-Brown, who has significant regional knowledge · Strengthened balance sheetLoadsadough

paddington_bear 18 Jul 2016

Chance to interrogate MML As you know, I long ago gave up on this company in favour of Canadians like Kirkland Lake, Richmont, Tahoe etc. Shareholders may be interested in event September 8th at Chesterfield hotel,Mayfair, London. Organised by Proactive investors, three companies are presenting from 6 pm. They are Ferrum crescent, Landore resources and Medusa.Good luck.PB.

Peter the Red 16 Jul 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.765 (44p) Latest price - Aus$0.765 (44p)

Peter the Red 09 Jul 2016

Re: Medusa Share Price - Aus$0.770 (45p) Latest price - Aus$0.770 (45p)

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JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG... JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG, KWA-ZULU NATAL, NORTH WEST, FREE STATE, MPUMALANGA, EASTERN CAPE, NORTHERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN, SANDTON, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG, EDENVALE, SOWETO, KEMPTON PARK, CARLETONVILLE, DURBAN, KLERKSDORP, BENONI, GERMISTON, RANDBURG, BOKSBURG, NELSPRUIT, TEMBISA, USA, UK, SOUTH AFRICA, SWAZILAND, ZIMBABWE, UGANDA, KENYA, BRAZIL, BELGIUM, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, MOZAMBIQUE. I WANT TO JOIN TO BECOME A STRONG MEMBER OF RED BROTHERHOOD OCCULT IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR RITUAL PROTECTION, INSTANT MONEY REWARDS, RICHES, PROSPERITY AND BE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND COMFORTABLE IN LIFE!! CALL +27787917167. I know exactly how depressed you feel today. The suffering into your life and family and the pain you are going through every day and the endless tears of your broken heart. Your cursed with black magic and witchcraft and Demons into your life. You are chained to the Dark World of unhappiness and debts. The dream beach house that you want to buy and happy marriage or that successful business you wanna start seems impossible. You've tried all the help you could afford to at least be happy but things just go bad. How many years are you going to live this life? A Life full of debts, poverty, unhappiness, relationship problems. Call / WhatsApp Priest +27787917167... Offre de prêts entre particuliers sans fraude. E-mail : Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dans le prêt entre particuliers, je vous informe que beaucoup de précautions ont été prises afin d’assurer et de garantir les personnes qui font les demandes de prêt. Mon taux d’intérêt est unique et il est non négociable, fixé à 2 % sur la valeur totale demandé. J’aimerais aussi vous demander de faire très attention aux offres venant d’Afrique (Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin et autres), car presque toutes les personnes avec qui j’entre en contact ont déjà été victimes d’arnaque. Ces arnaques ont tellement pris de l’ampleur à tel point que même les chaînes de télévision en parlent. Mon offre est sérieuse, vous pourriez vous en rendre compte à travers la procédure qui est la procédure légale d’octroi de prêt entre particuliers. De grâce, j’aimerais être contacté par des personnes sérieuses, étant en mesure de rembourser les prêts. Les remboursements débutent 3 mois après que les fonds soient virés. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi par mail : [email protected] Faites votre demande de prêt en 48 h maximum. Offre sérieuse et honnête. ... Re: ACTA Stream Log Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dan...
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JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG... JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG, KWA-ZULU NATAL, NORTH WEST, FREE STATE, MPUMALANGA, EASTERN CAPE, NORTHERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN, SANDTON, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG, EDENVALE, SOWETO, KEMPTON PARK, CARLETONVILLE, DURBAN, KLERKSDORP, BENONI, GERMISTON, RANDBURG, BOKSBURG, NELSPRUIT, TEMBISA, USA, UK, SOUTH AFRICA, SWAZILAND, ZIMBABWE, UGANDA, KENYA, BRAZIL, BELGIUM, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, MOZAMBIQUE. I WANT TO JOIN TO BECOME A STRONG MEMBER OF RED BROTHERHOOD OCCULT IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR RITUAL PROTECTION, INSTANT MONEY REWARDS, RICHES, PROSPERITY AND BE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND COMFORTABLE IN LIFE!! CALL +27787917167. I know exactly how depressed you feel today. The suffering into your life and family and the pain you are going through every day and the endless tears of your broken heart. Your cursed with black magic and witchcraft and Demons into your life. You are chained to the Dark World of unhappiness and debts. The dream beach house that you want to buy and happy marriage or that successful business you wanna start seems impossible. You've tried all the help you could afford to at least be happy but things just go bad. How many years are you going to live this life? A Life full of debts, poverty, unhappiness, relationship problems. Call / WhatsApp Priest +27787917167... Offre de prêts entre particuliers sans fraude. E-mail : Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dans le prêt entre particuliers, je vous informe que beaucoup de précautions ont été prises afin d’assurer et de garantir les personnes qui font les demandes de prêt. Mon taux d’intérêt est unique et il est non négociable, fixé à 2 % sur la valeur totale demandé. J’aimerais aussi vous demander de faire très attention aux offres venant d’Afrique (Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin et autres), car presque toutes les personnes avec qui j’entre en contact ont déjà été victimes d’arnaque. Ces arnaques ont tellement pris de l’ampleur à tel point que même les chaînes de télévision en parlent. Mon offre est sérieuse, vous pourriez vous en rendre compte à travers la procédure qui est la procédure légale d’octroi de prêt entre particuliers. De grâce, j’aimerais être contacté par des personnes sérieuses, étant en mesure de rembourser les prêts. Les remboursements débutent 3 mois après que les fonds soient virés. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi par mail : [email protected] Faites votre demande de prêt en 48 h maximum. Offre sérieuse et honnête. ... Re: ACTA Stream Log Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dan...