New Board Excellent result for the company.Hopefully the new board will be able to sort out the mess that Benavides has created and drive the company forward again.
Re: Back to work... Got to disagree there this is one of the best buys on the aim market now. We have got Confide on the BODs. A huge gold mine operable at a very low cost. Few shares in issue and fully funded. I am fully expecting value to reach in excess of previous 80p high. Very strong buy now in my opinion
Back to work... After all the recent confusion, it would be good to see the company financial books put back into order, one of the new boys on the board as chairman, and the company re-instated for trading.If this can coincide with good news on production plans/progress and a small increase in the price of gold, the MIRL SP should return to a respectable value.I guess this isn't going to happen before January at the earliest, especially if the accounts are audited first - as they should be... unless they are ready, but were just withheld due to the "politics".If one could now buy MIRL stock, a Weak BUY would be my opinion.
Who has the deciding vote? "The new board of Minera IRL is formed by Jorge Ramos, CEO of COFIDE, Julian Bavin, former Rio Tinto, while ratified the previous directory to Doug Jones and Robyn Fryer."Two new directors and two remaining Team Hodges sk-um. That potentially makes it two all in any vote. So who will be the chairman, casting the deciding vote?
Re: Pinto booted out Agreed. Things could have gone a lot worse. At least this is a move in the right direction.
Re: Pinto booted out Still an excellent result!!! This should turn out to be one success now
Pinto booted out Google translation below of link posted on LSE by Sbradders:"Minera IRL Limited elected a new board for the company that were outside the visible heads of the two warring sides: the current non-executive chairman Jaime Pinto and President of the Peruvian branch, Diego Benavides.Shareholders voted Minera IRL Limited 92% (131 million shares) for the exit of Jaime Pinto as chief executive of the parent company of Minera IRL SA owner of Corihuarmi and reservoir project Ollachea.The new board of Minera IRL is formed by Jorge Ramos, CEO of COFIDE, Julian Bavin, former Rio Tinto, while ratified the previous directory to Doug Jones and Robyn Fryer. The President of Minera IRL SA, Diego Benavides who declined to be informed on the board because it has received complaints in recent days about his actions in the company.Once the investigations, could enter the parent directory."We must stop this smear campaign, demonstrate the truth and restore confidence for the benefit of the company and its shareholders," said Benavides."[link] it looks like Doug Jones and Robyn Fryer have been retained. I would have liked to see the whole board sacked.
Votes revoked, but how many? " LIMA, PERU--(Marketwired - Dec. 12, 2015) - Minera IRL Limited ("Minera IRL" or the "Company" (AIM:MIRL)(BVLAC:MIRL) announces that it has been advised that the Company's registrar has received a proxy revocation in respect of the votes whose validity came into question at the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders (the "EGM"
on November 26, 2015, resulting in the adjournment of the EGM and the commencement by the board of directors of Minera (the "Board"
of an investigation into the validity of such votes. In light of such proxy revocation, the Board has determined that any potential issue with such votes has been resolved to its satisfaction and therefore the investigation has terminated. In his capacity as Chair of the EGM, Mr. Jaime Pinto confirms that, following such proxy revocation, he presently knows of no reason that any proxies submitted for the EGM cannot be validated.The adjourned EGM will be re-convened on the 24th Floor at 333 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario M5H 2T6, on December 16, 2015 at 10
0 a.m. EST (3
0 p.m. GMT)." [link]
Jamie pinto past [link]
resign Pinto, resign end of message
Before the 17th Is when they have to hold the EGM
EGM for 3rd Dec postponed [link] 2 December 2015: Minera IRL S.A. announces that the shareholders meeting previously organized for 3 December, can not be held until the EGM called by Minera IRL Limited shareholders is completed in accordance with General Corporate Laws."
EGM fraud Looks like the lies have been proven:[link] with a supposed reputable company like canacord.Not long now till BOD are behind bars it seems
90% vote to remove board Info from Proactive Investors website, written by SP Angel.[link] IRL SUSPENDED EGM adjourned despite Rebels holding >90% of votes, questions over handful of shares The chairman yesterday adjourned the Minera EGM. We are told the adjournment was over potential irregularities over a handful of shares. Diego Benavides and his supporters are now forced to wait till the next EGM which can be called at anytime but no later than 17 December. Long suffering shareholders must now wait, while the company is effectively paralysed, racking up costs at a time when, we believe >90% of the shares have been cast in support of sacking the entire board. Do Turkeys every vote for Christmas? We hope these turkeys get a proper roasting by shareholders when this is all said and done. In a further twist: we are also told that a key shareholder has agreed to buy Rio Tintos 19% stake and is seeking to be elected to the boardConclusion: Do Turkeys every vote for Christmas? We hope these turkeys get a proper roasting by shareholders when this is all said and done.* SP Angel analysts are expressing their own views and opinions in this analysis. SP Angel has no corporate connection with Minera IRL or its subsidiaries. SP Angel holds no shares in Minera IRL and does not have any current financial arrangements with the company. "
Re: BoD refusing to count vote If I remember right, Hodges himself had over 91% of votes cast against him at the AGM.Hopefully his boys got a similar spanking at yesterday's EGM.