Re: Corporate Action There is no Corporate Action in my trading account re MIRL. Further there is no mention of this issue on the LSE and ADVFN bulletin boards, so cannot have affected too many shareholders. Perhaps it is only those who have their shares in a Crest account.This looks slightly dodgy to me. Who is the custodian, and why such is such a rapid response required? Are you sure that this is not a scam? Were you asked to click on a link to respond? Incidentally, who is your broker?It is possible to telephone trade MIRL shares if you have a TDDirect account, so would probably better asking to transfer your shares to them, rather than to an undisclosed custodian.
Re: Corporate Action Do you know what "moving to our custodian" means? I have a small holding in these which I'd written off, thanks.
Corporate Action DelistingAs a holder of Minera IRL Ltd Ordinary Shares of No Par V we write toadvise you that Minera IRL Limited shares have begun trading on theCanadian Securities exchange from 3 February 2017.It is the companys intention to resume trading in London soon but nodate has been given at present. The company is in discussions with aLondon based financial adviser whom the company expects to appoint toexplore the options for relisting the company in London.Your shares are not tradable on the London Stock markets.To facilitate trading in this stock on the Canadian market, we are movingyour holding from Crest to our custodian.Timescale for providing your instructionThe deadline for providing your instruction is 2pm on 10 March 2017.If we do not receive an instruction from you by this time, we will moveyour holding to our custodian on your behalf.
Going forward [link] too had mentally written off my investment here. Just hope dilution does not push out my breakeven / profit date
Re: Ollachea will be in production in 20... Your few k will be worth 10's of thousands given the recent developments and rising gold price
Re: Ollachea will be in production in 20... Great post / information---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------TBH I'd written off my investment of a few £'000's some time back >>[link] my glass has been half empty ever since........This is great news if at all comes to fruition (perhaps I should be more positive)JC
We are well rid of Daryl [link] Hodges news: The p1$$poor lying scumbag parasite gets called out againThank you reader 'S' for the heads up on this.The 'Concerned Shareholders' news release out today regarding Rapier Gold ( is a pretty typical one that comes before a proxy slate battle and starts like this: Destroyed Shareholder Value. The Concerned Shareholder, Delbrook Capital Advisors Inc., believes that the management and Board of Directors of Rapier Gold Inc. have destroyed considerable shareholder value and continue to operate the Company without a clear strategy focused on maximizing shareholder returns.And who is one of the members of the current board of directors? Why, none other than Daryl Hodges! Destroyer of Jennings Capital and the person who tried to rape Minera IRL by making false accusations about its people, lying to its shareholders and crushing the share price. Bad news follows this scumbag round like a stray dog. Mr McEwen, pay special heed.
Re: Ollachea will be in production in 2018!!... Details of the interview now available on IKN.[link] Yesterday this humble corner of cyberspace linked through to the interview Peru's highly regarding bizmedia house Semana Economica had with Diego Benavides, CEO of Minera IRL. Here's a translation of the four questions and answers contained within, they're well worth reading carefully: Semana Economica: In 2015 and 2016 there was an internal power struggle at Minera IRL. Are all the problems now resolved? Diego Benavides: "All the legal actions brought against me by the ex-directors of IRL have been dismissed. We've managed to re-list our shares in Lima (BVL) and Toronto (CSE). The next step is to re-list in London (AIM), which should be in 3q17. London is very important (to us) as 55% of our shareholders are there, above all the institutions." SE: When will production start at your Ollachea project? DB: "The objective is to begin construction as soon as possible, we could begin within three or four months and between June and July 2018 we would be in production. The estimated capex was around U$180m, but our debt capacity has a limit and we do not want to dilute our shareholders (by emitting a lot more shares. Due to this we are optimizing the project and reducing capex to U$30m." SE: How will the project change? DB: "We're looking to reduce the daily throughput from 3000 tonnes to 1500 tonnes. This will allow a reduction in construction time from two years to one year. In the first two years we would produce around 60,000 or 70,000 ounces of gold (instead of the current estimate 100,000 ounces). In year three, with positive free cash flow, we will expand volume to 2000 or 2500 tonnes and gold production pays for capex and opex, which will allow shareholders to have upside." SE: In 2015 Cofide awarded a U$70m bridge loan to IRL in order to finance Ollachea. How has that advanced? DB: "There were two conditions to secure the final loan. First a drill program which is now complete and has increased the inferred resources at the project by around half a million ounces. Second, the change of the construction contract from an EPCM to an EPC "turnkey" deal, which hands off construction risk to the contractor. We will talk with Cofide in order to determine whether a syndicated loan is the most appropriate (as initially thought) as it will weigh us down with debt. We have to lighten this. The current plan is to restructure with leasing and reduce principal financial debt. We believe the final debt deal can be ready by June."
Ollachea will be in production in 2018!!!! [link]
Now trading on CSE Link to the Canadian CSE exchange - MIRL price.[link] trading at C$ o.165 (10p) to Sell and C$0.18 (11p) to Buy.The problem is finding a broker who will trade in Canada, and on the CSE.I have been informed that TDDirect will offer telephone trades on the CSE. However, currently you cannot view this stock from a TDD share dealing account, although that may change.
Listing approved on CSE [link] This just received from Rob Theriault, director of Listings and Regulations of the CSE exchange in Canada: Minera IRL has been granted final approval for listing on the CSE. Were waiting for the Company to confirm their preferred listing date. Regards, Rob TheriaultOtto's comment:"As for when (to answer a couple of mails), I don't know for sure but I'd have a small bet on this Thursday or Friday. You're best asking IRL about that."
Cease Trade Orders revoked [link] IRL Limited announces revocation of cease trade orders20/01/2017Minera IRL Limited ("Minera" or the "Company" (BVL:MIRL) announces that the Ontario Securities Commission, as principle regulator, and the British Columbia Securities Commission have revoked the cease trade orders issued on October 28 and October 16, 2015, respectively (the "Cease Trade Orders"
.And the view from IKN:"Yes, you know it's true. CEO Diego Benavides gets more done in two months than two useless and self-serving boards of directors do in two years."
Shares up 200% bvl Minera IRL up 200% in early tradingBetween late yesterday and early this morning, the first trades of Minera IRL have gone through since its long hiatus was brought to an end by the re-listing of shares on the Peru stock exchange (BVL). So far a modest 1.2m shares have changed hands so it's a bit early to draw firm conclusions, but the current price of the stock is U$0.165. That's the equivalent of CAD$0.21 approx, which compares to the stock's last traded price of CAD$0.07 in Canada before the Daryl Hodges scamsters tried to steal the company from its shareholders.This 200% price rise is also the reason why the last board of rip-off merchants, led by the Eagle Mining trio of Weyrauch, Bee and Schafer and abetted by Bavin and O'Kelly, were so slow about getting the stock re-listed but so so keen on getting the chance to distribute over 115m new shares to the people of their choice.But fortunately, instead of being ripped off shareholders decided to kick out the board of scamsters and now under the guidance of Diego Benavides they're getting the upside they deserve.UPDATE: Minera IRL finished the day in Lima at U$0.148 but the fun thing was the volume, over 2.5m shares traded. Also interesting was the way stockbroker Seminario SAB was phoning round every small holder of IRL they could find, trying to convince them to sell into this opening flush. That's because Napoleon Valdez was using Seminario SAB to buy hand over fist and get his hands on as many shares as he could.
Share price equivalent 12p Bvl exchange
Re: Share suspension lifted in Peru Comment from IKN written on 3rd Jan.[link] good news for all long-suffering shareholders of Minera IRL: ..................................... then some documents in Spanish ......................"That's the first and most important of the five resolutions as passed by the BVL on IRL in that document and what it means is simple: The BVL has allowed Minera IRL to re-list its shares and start trading again. This is very good news, because this is the main blockage for re-listing in Canada and the UK, too. IRL is back, ladies and gentlemen and isn't it amazing that as soon as the bad boards of directors are removed, the paperwork suddenly goes through and the company starts putting its shareholders first. Must be a coincidence...""UPDATE: Just received confirmation from the BVL: Minera IRL shares will begin trading again tomorrow morning, Wednesday January 4th. "