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ONTHEUP 03 Mar 2017

Re: Last day of trading does any one know when is the last time we can vote to which option we want?

Rober01 03 Mar 2017

Re: Last day of trading 19/1/2017"Tuesday 21 March 2017 (or as soon as practicable thereafter) JPMorgan Elect Shares in certificated form issued pursuant to the Scheme JPMorgan Elect Shares issued in uncertificated form credited to the stock accounts in CREST of the persons entitled thereto in respect of the JPMorgan Elect Option CREST accounts credited with cash in respect of the Cash Option;Cheques despatched in respect of the Cash Option"

strapuk 02 Mar 2017

Re: Last day of trading Yes but as at today's reported NAV, total to be returned to Income Unit holders is around 57.25p per share.I thought the winding up vote was 17th March? Or is no vote required and the entity is simply wound-up on that date? Any thoughts on when those of us who elected to receive cash will receive the money in our accounts? I know the Board has been actively reducing the equity content to meet pending cash commitments but I can't seem to find a notice on when this cash will be returned.Would be very handy if the markets would hold onto their current levels for just a couple more weeks!!

Rober01 02 Mar 2017

Re: Last day of trading Amen to that!!!At 53.88p it is tempting to hedge, but:---------- ---Keep everything crossed.Best of Luck to everyone.

Hardboy 01 Mar 2017

Last day of trading Is tomorrow I believe - so one last chance to jump ship before the final reckoning. For those of us staying, we just have to hope that no one flies a passenger airliner into the Eifel Tower or some other serious event to unhinge markets over the following 2 weeks, while the fund unwinds its investments.

power morph 24 Feb 2017

Re: Dividend Third divi announced yesterday: "a third interim dividend of 0.50p per Income Share, in respect of the period from 1 January 2017 to 17 February 2017 (2016: 1.70p for the three month period to 29 February 2016). The dividend will be paid on 15 March 2017 to Income Shareholders on the register at the close of business on 3 March 2017. The ex-dividend date will be 2 March 2017"

Hardboy 17 Feb 2017

Re: Dividend Thank you Gents, I'd obviously misread this bit "Directors intend to declare a Third Interim Dividend for the period ending 17 February 2017" as that was the date on which they were going to declare it.

Rober01 17 Feb 2017

Re: Dividend 3rd div announcement -:Thursday 2nd March 2017

power morph 17 Feb 2017

Re: Dividend Some time over the next 2 weeks according to previous statement:"Furthermore, under the Proposals the Directors currently intend to declare a Third Interim Dividend for the period ending 17 February 2017, for distribution prior to the Scheme taking effect equal to the revenue profits of the Company for that period plus the accumulated revenue reserves. The Third Interim Dividend is expected to be paid on or about 15 March 2017 to Income Shareholders, including those who hold their Income Shares within Units, on the Register on 3 March 2017."

Hardboy 17 Feb 2017

Dividend Aren't they supposed to be telling us about the final dividend about now?

Rober01 14 Feb 2017

Re: Still buyers 72Setting up a separate entity seems to me to only to add to the problem. Surely this makes things even worse, for as a client you know nothing at all about that third party, whereas at least you know and are contracted too the broker you join.The security issue you raise is very real and any of us (whoever we are with) could suffer a breach at any time. There is only so much one can do!!!As to MF Global the last I saw, no they did not. Which raises the other issue of time. Even if covered, it could take years to sought out and retrieve your money.

Rober01 14 Feb 2017

Re: Still buyers HardboyHL do not charge a management fee for share purchases on my trading account. I do not do anything but shares I.E no management fee. Incidentally they are not a full broker but instead a fund supermarket which limits what shares they deal in. They do not go out of their way to make this clear, which is a bit naughty. Anyway I work my way around this.My second broker does not charge me the normal quarterly management fee on either my trading or ISA accounts, because of the level of investment I have with them. The third is an IT provider, not a full broker and does not charge a management fee nor a purchase fee and a set £10 per sale transaction. This suits my purpose admirably.I could get lower dealing fees than the £12 or so per transaction the first two charge, but I am happy to pay that for the service level they provide.The biggest benefit of my Venture Capital portfolio is the 33% or so discount I get up front. I appreciate that this is only of value if you have sufficient actual tax to offset. The second benefit is that the shares are so tightly held that there is markedly less volatility in price movement than other shares I>E the add stability to my portfolio.The problem is that so many people have realised this that they are becoming more and more difficult to obtain new (One person can invest up £200000), this is despite the fact they issue 20 or 30 million pounds worth at a time. I buy them to keep, I am happy with level of dividend ( no tax to pay or even declare). Those I invest in have a long track record of success in establishing up and coming new companies (the back bone of our economy) I am pleased to say.Cheers

72_fastback 14 Feb 2017

Re: Still buyers There was a similar discussion about the possible risks of nominee a/cs on another board (NG I think) a while ago.I am just as concerned about website vulnerability to hacking as I am about my broker going bust or being fraudulent!Nominee a/cs should be very safe - they are normally set up as separate entities to the main company and shouldn't have the ability to borrow/make trades fro themselves etc.Risk of fraud is obviously much harder to quantify.I don't like having too many eggs in a single basket either - but I also don't like the service or cost of one of my brokers and am considering going 'all in' with one provider. I would like to think that an asset manager like Fidelity or HL is less likely to find itself in a dire situation than a bank (e.g Barclays, who have incorporated Barclays Stockbrokers into Barclays Bank).I don't know if users of MF Global got all their monies back when it went bust - a case study for anyone interested!Does anyone know whether a paper only/certificated shares ISA or SIPP is possible?

Hardboy 14 Feb 2017

Re: Still buyers Rober, thanks for that. One can not be TOO cautious. In my experience if there is any much anywhere it will surely hit the fan. Having said that, one is always taking a risk investing in shares. No matter how solid and certain a business looks - things do go wrong. Banks looked safe as houses early this century. BP looked as secure as you could get till Deepwater Horizon. BT looked a pretty safe haven a few weeks ago etc. I agree about dealing on line. My ADM account dates from pre online dealing, and I'm slowly winding it down. Finding any account free of management charges is a bit of a challenge. iii is one of the best I've found; and they charge £20 a quarter - which one can get back of course through dealing. In fact it offers a way of effectively getting a little bit extra into one's ISA. The management fees for iii come from the trading account. The first 2 trades of the following quarter are fee free, so if these are always in the ISA, you effectively get an extra £80 a year ISA allowance. Despite the tax benefits of investing in Venture Capital funds, I have avoided them because you never really know what you're investing in. There is no track record, or history of success. I suspect the proceeds of this IT will for me go into single company shares, unless, maybe emerging markets are attractive at the time.

Rober01 13 Feb 2017

Re: Still buyers HardboyTHIS IS MHO , I may well be too cautious!!!I only deal online and pay management fees on my SIPP , none of my other accounts.I still have to deal in paper on my annual Venture Capital purchases, due to government requirements (why in this day and age I do not know). This annually P****** me off no end,. Cheers

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