M & G High Income Investment Trust Live Discussion

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Hardboy 02 Mar 2016

Re: Winding UP Many Thanks Rober.So if on winding up the package unit was today's NAV of 166.53;ZDP would get 122.83224Income shares and Capital and growth shares would get (166.53-122.83224) 43.69776, which is not far off the current share price. I had not heard about the roll over vehicle. I wonder if this will be a new trust.

Rober01 02 Mar 2016

Re: Winding UP ZDPs as you say (assuming enough capital to meet final payment)Income shares the balance of the capital available up to a maximum of 70p per share.Capital shares the balance of any capital left, after payments as above.Income and growth shares a combination of the income and capital payouts as above.The balance of any available cash to be paid out at the 4th and final dividend.Company intends to provide a rollover vehicle for those who wish to continue investment/avoid capital gains consequences.

Hardboy 01 Mar 2016

Winding UP It's about a year till this is wound up. I confess to finding these packaged type of ITs confusing. Every time I think I understand it, when I revisit it weeks later I find myself baffled again,I know that at the winding up the ZDP share will get 122.83224 (nice round number) p for each share. Can anyone explain in simplistic terms what the other packages will get per unit. The current NAVs are listed below. So if we were at that point in a year's time I understand capital units would get nothing, but would income units get the difference between the ZDP & the Package Unit NAV?Income Shares * 55.20p Capital Shares 0.00p Zero Dividend Preference Shares 111.33p Income & Growth Units 55.20p Package Units 166.53p

Hardboy 19 Feb 2016

Interims The content of the interims may be good, but this is appalling: -"The following information is contained in the Company's interim report for the six months to 30 November 2015 that was posted to shareholders on 4 February 2016. The delay in releasing this announcement is due to an oversight."One Company Secretary should be getting his P45!

Rober01 25 Mar 2015

Re: NAV I would have expected the price to have risen with the market. It usually does in this situation.I have a big sale/buy awaiting this for next years ISA.Patience is a virtue or so they say!!

Hardboy 24 Mar 2015

NAV Is very near it's highest level, whilst the share price is about 12% below its high.

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