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deepsleeves 15 Jan 2016

NAV discount Discount to NAV is now circa 14% and dividend at 5p paid quarterly is approaching 7%Anyone know of any reason other than general market downturn why this is not a buy?Deep

badnews 30 Oct 2015

TOTAL EXPENSE RATIO Hi,Seems a promising fund, and trading at a discount. However, any ideas why the TER isn't stated on their monthly fact sheet? I thought this was mandatory?? Anyone have any ideas on the management fee and the TER? Is their a performance fee levied by the manager? I have looked at the accounts and I'm finding it difficult to decipher things.Many Thanks in advance for anyone who can give me an idea,

digger61 20 Oct 2015

..... Yes no income growth but with a 6.6% yield most folk will be happy. I like the idea of buying Canadian and increasingly (28% of fund) US assets at a healthy discount.

MFaraday 20 Oct 2015

Re: XD and it is 1.25p .............. again! Zero dividend growth ever.

foolish learner 20 Oct 2015

Re: XD you are correct and this may be of help for future divi dates [link]

digger61 19 Oct 2015

XD was 15 Oct

digger61 02 Oct 2015

Re. Dividend Thanks FL. Hargreaves were not showing it xd yesterday but Barclays were. I cannot find a regulatory notice announcing the dividend. Any ideas where i can find it.?I expect one of the tip sheets will give MCT a mention as it has quite a lot of American assets in it now and it is unusual to buy these at this sort of discount.So yes I have been buying!

foolish learner 01 Oct 2015

Re: Dividend? Yes according to the Fundamental tab but the dividend price correction seamed to be earlier this week, paying over 6% they are perhaps worth a small investment

digger61 01 Oct 2015

Dividend? Did these go XD today???

Rusty Jock 26 Mar 2015

Re: Kraft merger with Heinz Yeh ..... and Apple another top 10 holding fell 2.7% !Swings and roundabouts .MCT still good value though .

Jackmart 25 Mar 2015

Kraft merger with Heinz At close of business 24th March the NAV OF MCT has increased to 104.53p. In the latest fact sheet, Kraft was a top 10 holding of MCT, being 3.1% of NAV. Following the merger announcement overnight,Kraft has risen US$ 20 or around 30 % today. MCT is beginning to look a real bargain.

Jackmart 13 Mar 2015

Re: Recommended in Money Obs Feb 2015 again The latest factsheet from MCT dated 31st January, shows holdings in Apple, Brookfield Properties (22% of Canary Wharf) and Kraft Foods, all US listed stocks. Since then, on 18th February, MCT held an EGM to approve an increase, from 20% to 40%, in the proportion of investments held outside of Canada. Even after todays rise, MCT is close to a year low and the discount to NAV at around 8% is close to a year high. A re rating of prospects is overdue.

Leslie48 21 Feb 2015

Recommended in Money Obs Feb 2015 again Good to see this one recommended again especially for dividend seekers in the Feb edition of Money Observer ( Trust supplement). Hopefully it will gain more popularity especially as its mainly Canadian shares and therefore stable, secure and rewarding,
