Middlefield Prf Live Discussion

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Pyttius 29 Jan 2018

Re: underperformance A reasonable dividend justifies the holding. Medium to long term, climate change should transform the Canadian economy. As such, it represents a middling earner with an inestimable long-term upside. Pleistocene to Holocene evidence suggests that in continental interiors transition from one climatic regime to another can occur in as little as four years. No-one knows where such a tipping point might be but it is likely to occur more quickly than most of us can reconfigure our portfolios.

whilstev 26 Jan 2018

Re: underperformance Exchange rate movements play a big part in the nav of this trust and the recent weakness of the US dollar has been a drag on performance. I’m happy to hold for the dividend.

bigbunny 26 Jan 2018

underperformance I have a few of these shares and have been disappointed by performance . I bought in July 2017 and am now sitting on a loss when Canadian and US markets have been performing well through the period.I think Middlefield is a respectable outfit and other of their funds seem to do quite well but this one is an real laggardDoes anyone else have a view ?Thanks

NickDog 11 Aug 2017

Bought in Sold out of PLI a few weeks ago. Decided to put some into this Canadian/US trust to give me some diversification and income (5%). Noted that it seemed untroubled by Kim/Trump sabre rattling. Also topped up my Asia fund (HFEL). So hoping that things don't get messy there.

deepsleeves 06 Jul 2017

dividend increase Positive 2% increase in dividend for last quarterWill be gerat if ithis sets a new benchmark. Would be nearly 5% at current 103pHappy to hold for the cash.Deep

azzalyzarc 18 Apr 2017

Re: to sell or hold? The spike may have been due to a strong recommendation in Telegraph's Questor column for MCT as income diversification - a holy grail for pensioners/near pensioners (probably most the Teles readership). Happened the same day and marked rise in volume, and on a share that trades at low volumes would not take much to wake up the spI think it only sp and not nav that changed - annoyingly I had already been thinking of buying - now i'll have to wait for the sp/discount to resume previous az

foolish learner 18 Apr 2017

Re: to sell or hold? I probably know no more than you, but to me its a Trust and hence publishs the NAV on a regular basis and the price movements are more akin to a Trust, albeit it pays a regular dividendUnless the Nav and the price go up then is it as good as a preference share, the Risk Rating on trustnet certainly does not reflect a safe Preference share ratingI bought at about the same time as i bought into SCAM which pays a little less at my buy price but shows a significant capital gain at presentI am tempted to sell but may hold to see if the price gets nearer to the NAV, if it does with out an increase dividend then it will go back down At the moment its not paying 5% wich is easily obtainable on the likes of LLPC GABC ELLA etc

deepsleeves 18 Apr 2017

Re: to sell or hold? Rusty/Foolish,Excuse me if I am being dim but are not MCT preference shares with an objective of paying 1.25p/qtr by way of dividend.I have held since mid 2015 and am happy to take the 5% dividend so long interest rates stay at current levels. It would be obviously much better if the portfolio managers could deliver some of the promised growth as well.Deep

foolish learner 17 Apr 2017

Re: to sell or hold? RustySome jump Thursday your 15% upside may be on a little quicker than expected and the price is still some way below the NAV at 119 - heres hopingOn the down side preference shares have also climbed steadily, guessing thats the PI's ISA cash being invested, so no rush to sell until a buy opportunity is identifiedFL

Rusty Jock 16 Mar 2017

Re: to sell or hold? I have been investing in MCT for many years , on and off .It is not a buy and hold forever type of investment as it has tended to trade up to about 120p and down to about 75p .I dont think now is the time to sell , as there could be another 15% upside in the share price while you sit and get paid the fat dividend . I am holding for more .The discount could easily narrow from here as well .Cant comment on Prefs .

foolish learner 15 Mar 2017

to sell or hold? Would welcome some more knowledgeable views than my own A year on from the last post and on the annual chart the price increase looks good, perhaps attributable to the rise in the dollar and switch to more US based companiesNot so good if you look at the three year chart, and the dividend is still flat but the NAV is significantly above the share priceDoes this indicate the price should rise but the NAV has been above the share value for some time? Varying sites still rate the investment as Medium/High risk and returns could be better from preference sharesShould I be taking the small capital gain and look at the preference shares for a secure income or sit tight?? It would help if the management made a forward looking statement but they seem rather quiteAny views welcom

II Editor 10 Feb 2017

NEW ARTICLE: How to earn a £10,000 annual income from investment trusts "The Bank of England's decision last August to reduce the base rate to 0.25% was further bad news for investors needing to take an income from their capital.At the same time, the likelihood of rising inflation after sterling's fall in value ..."[link]

badnews 25 Jan 2016

Re: A buy? Agreed. Worth some drip-feeding at these levels. I add that I quite like the manager, also. Dean Orrico seems a conservative kind of guy who doesn't play like a hot-shot wih other people's money. The charges seem reasonable and on the whole Middlefield seems like a reputable, well-meaning company.I would prefer it if they didn't add too much more to the US allocation, as this could present a currency risk issue.

digger61 24 Jan 2016

A buy? Whilst it has been a torrid time for MCT the discount versus the underlying assets seems too wide. It does not appear to have to many energy based investments. There are many mega caps in the portfolio. Currency is an issue as the Looney has been weakening against a strong USD. However any uptick in the commodity world will quickly translate into a stronger CAD. Personally buying with a long term view in mind. Particularly on days when the market is down big time.

Rusty Jock 16 Jan 2016

Re: NAV discount ......bcz it can go lower still !The Canadian market continues to go lower , and the currency C$ also weak due to its economy being commodities based .Let's just hope the divi continues to be paid , even from reserves , as some of the underlying investments can be expected to cut theirs .At these levels it could be a good buy , but I suspect we have further to go down before we start to see more stability .
