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Maverick 01 Apr 2015

Tadah! Next stop 7p!!!Starting to move now. After months in the dog house there is some action afoot.Up 15% and buy at 3-3.25p ask.

Maverick 31 Mar 2015

Buy and a sell So those 10m shares were, as per the "news" , a buy and a sell transfer into a Sipp.For me that's good news. If JF is transferring into a Sipp he is doing so to limit a tax loss on gains. Therefore there must be an upside otherwise he would have sold them and not bought them back.Onwards and upwards!

Maverick 30 Mar 2015

Bought in again.. Saw that there have been two large buys.. Showing as buys anyway!So have added another 100,000.Gotta put my money where my mouth is here.Mav

Maverick 30 Mar 2015

Here come the buys! This could be a really good price to get in!

mantrova 20 Mar 2015

Re: Chanced a few at this new low.... Maverick - me also 2.45pm

mantrova 20 Mar 2015

Re: Strange You can't rely on the computer generated buy/sell attributions.....done by reference to the bid/ask stated prices on offer. You can only be sure buy seeing the whole trading picture on Level 2 where you can see the trade prices going through and in precise relationship to the bid/ask prices on offer.m

Maverick 20 Mar 2015

Strange My buy at 2.45p is showing as a sell.

Maverick 20 Mar 2015

Re: Chanced a few at this new low.... Not sure why the drop?This could be a platform for a new company shoe in listing.What price did you get?I just bought a few and got 2.45pence No idea whats happening here other than there must be some synergy with the other companies in this sector.Mav

mantrova 19 Mar 2015

Chanced a few at this new low.... Who knows how it will turn out but others have bought in 200k lots this morning. I'll just have to wait and see.m

mantrova 12 Feb 2015

Hi Guys Hi all. I'm just passing through as the name of this old friend came on the radar the other day.See losses are still forecast for 2014 and 2015 and t/o still only likely £2m - £3m....guess that Jf still pulls in the wage despite the negligible amount of sales.I'll keep an un-optimistic watch on the scrag wishesm

Maverick 05 Feb 2015

Price I sold most of mine at 20p then tried to be clever by buying back at 12p so down 65 percent. Can only hold here or double up. They have a lot of synergy with other mobile companies and that's where the growth stocks are. It's a lock up and keep for me. If the moves up come will buy more.

Bob a Job trader 04 Feb 2015

Re: Sustained drop lets hope you are right, if only I had sold at 29p!

Maverick 04 Feb 2015

Re: Sustained drop Absolutely no idea!It's not on any volume though so can go up just as quick.

Bob a Job trader 04 Feb 2015

Sustained drop Any ideas why this sudden and fearful drop in price?
